We all set goals but sometimes, do we fizzle out within a few weeks of our efforts? If so, that is normal! We are human. But let's get real! A gold medalist...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/18/2020
You may have heard, parenting is the hardest job you will ever love, I couldn’t agree more. I have raised 3 kids I am so proud of, but there are days I have wanted to...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 02/10/2020
A Christmas message (great for Ladies' Christmas Cafe/Tea) showing the wonder of the gift we were given when Jesus was born. This message awakens us to the very tangible and constant...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 01/30/2020
Are there difficult people in your life? Perhaps you live, work, or attend church with them. In this humorous session, based on Romans 14 and the four major personality...
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/15/2020
Every woman should feel beautiful. Using skin care analogies we dive into a daily inner beauty routine that will draw us closer to Christ and have us glowing from the inside...
In life we are all on a pilgrimage and the journey is sweeter when we can "link arms" and travel together with Christ leading the way. Using Psalm 84:5 Lisa will inspire...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
As women we were made to RADIATE and SHINE, and the best way to do that is with the love of God as we look and love more like Jesus on our journey. Using Psalm 34:5, Lisa will...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
We have all been there, SET FREE and then before you know it you feel like you've been sucker punched in the face. It could be: -Relational- A fractured relationship-Financial-...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019
Rev. Dr. Dallas explores the concepts of words and how we attach meaning based on our experience. How often do we sit in judgment or assume the intention of another? What are those...
Posted by Dallas Teague Snider on 10/09/2019
Discover a joyful, peaceful life as Deborah shares how to master Biblical Time Management principles including overcoming procrastination, finding purpose, prioritization, practical...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/18/2019
Believers need to understand that faith and fear cannot coexist equally. Can your faith be overflowing and contagious? Is it possible to have the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego...
Posted by Saundra Woods on 09/15/2019
This seminar focuses on creating a 'global' view of a leader's role in a growing, multicultural and multi-generational workforce; and shows leaders how to make diversity...