We can either be on our feet, stone in hand, or on our knees, in the dirt, next to Jesus. As followers of Christ, we are God's physical representation of His Love and His...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
For a saved person with eternity to look forward to, I lived in misery, oblivious to God's design concerning the Christian's life. I floundered,defeated, angry, and...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
Life is busy, like really crazy busy. How often do you feel you have just finished putting away the Christmas decorations and it's already time to baste the Thanksgiving...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
In the gospels, Jesus was a people magnet. Sinners sought Him out and ENJOYED being in His presence. Jesus was real with non-believers and they responded to...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
This fun and interactive Workshop helps participants in your organization or church to develop their own personal mission statement for life and business. The benefits of having...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 06/21/2018
How do we hear God’s voice? Are our hearts turned towards Him and His word, or is the noise from the world and its seducing power drowning the voice of our Lord? Faith comes...
Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 05/21/2018
Embrace a life of audacious hope with Kelly Master in this empowering session. Discover how to stand unwavering on the Word of God, refusing to shrink from challenging circumstances....
Posted by Kelly Master on 04/29/2018
In a world that puts so much focus on caring for our physical selves, how do we care for our Soul? How do we focus on keeping our whole self, the physical, mental, emotional,...
Real, authentic, deep friendships are hard to come by, but as women we crave connection. Unfortunately, relationships between women in the world can often be challenging for...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
ARE YOU A WORRIER? Are you preoccupied with the "What ifs" and worst-case scenarios? Unrelenting doubts and fears can be paralyzing! Worry can interfere with your daily life...
Posted by Pam Gillaspie on 03/31/2018
In the beginning, you were uniquely created and designed. Then life happens. It chisels at you. Life wants you to adapt to it. Your life begins to define you instead of you defining...
Beloved Bride is, perhaps, the most touching of all the messages,and requires more time as it is a detailed comparison of an ancient Hebrew wedding to Christ's marriage to us.I...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018