Paula Abbott speaks on the difference between a Journey and a Quest. Paula explains that when you go on a Journey with Christ you are going from one point to the next, but when...
Posted by Paula Abbott on 01/19/2021
Reflecting on a trip to Barbados for our 10th anniversary, the frequent hand sanitizing reminders sparks thoughts on germs, forgiveness, and faith. Just as we cleanse our hands, our...
Hey there sister! I am super thrilled to be on this mountainous climb to Zion with you as we Train to Reign! Get excited! As you climb, the view is clearer, brighter and at the...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 12/01/2020
God has designed us with deep desires meant to drive us to Himself. Most of us have faulty patterns from our early lives of seeking water in desert places. In this message based...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 11/05/2020
Does your heart long for a fresh glimpse of Christ during the Christmas season? Do you desire for others to hear a clear and compelling gospel presentation? Join Donna Amidon for Jesus...
This multi-session retreat, can also be presented as single sessions for conferences.Session 1: Soul Care to ThriveRelease the “get-it-all-together” lie and trust God to...
With humor, heart, and wisdom, Ginger will help you flourish with fresh joy! Discover joy that protects your heart as you learn to overcome worry and cultivate a joy-filled life. Packed...
Posted by Ginger Harrington on 09/16/2020
God wants us to experience constant fellowship with Him, but sometimes our lack of honesty and confession of our sins can prevent that. We must be diligent to keep the garden of our...
Posted by Shana Strange on 07/30/2020
Deep Calls to Deep. Growing more in-depth in our relationship with Christ is the heart cry of His bride. Doing so often requires deep work within each of us. With humor, laced with...
Posted by Kristin Clouse on 07/13/2020
Ever wish you could walk on water? The story of Peter boldly jumping out of the boat to walk to Jesus ON the water has always inspired me. But, he didn't get very far before...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 06/08/2020
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7Many women feel invisible – to themselves, to others and even to God. This is a very...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 05/02/2020
ONLINE HOST PRAISE: "Rhonda blew us away! Her stories were riveting, her strategies practical and her presentation style enjoyable and heartwarming"All of Rhonda's...