Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! (NLT) This topic is a must for all women young and mature in age. You will discover what...
Posted by Paula Harris on 08/16/2016
You know the praise and worship chorus, "It's all about you" that we sing unto the Lord? Well, many of us don't live those lyrics. We think it's all about us. In this session, Michelle...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 08/11/2016
"Taking Authority Over Fear: Becoming Victorious Overcomers"In this impactful talk, Joanna addresses the daunting challenge of overcoming the fears and terrors that can plague...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016
In this engaging talk, Joanna invites us to explore the powerful metaphor of clothing as it relates to our identity in Christ. Just as our outward appearance can communicate much about...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 08/10/2016
Every woman has a story; a story that involves challenges and victories, pain and joy, fear and peace. What if we were able to spend some time in her shoes? Would what we see,...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/09/2016
Awaken to the Abundance in Christ is living your life from one perspective: value. You realize you are valued by the Father. You realize you possess a value and you are...
Contending for the Faith is all about positioning of our hearts. In a culture that has become anti-God, Melissa addresses the importance of contending for the faith. Each...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 06/30/2016
It is encouraging and exciting to find freedom in living life God's way. All I want is to follow Jesus--why does it seem to be so hard? Jesus gives us clear teaching for...
Have you ever had a bubble-bursting experience? Deb Potts tells about her bubbly, exciting life in Europe, and how she was able to face a tragedy after trading her bubbly life for...
Life comes at us full-throttle! It's so easy to allow it to overwhelm us and settle for what is comfortable. After all, isn't that the American Dream? But God...
Posted by Kristi Huseby on 02/01/2016
Shame is that 5-letter word that can sometimes feel more like a 4-letter word. It’s the feeling that says who we are … isn’t good enough. We feel bad about ourselves, confident...
Posted by Carey Scott on 01/08/2016
Based on her new book release, Untangled… this talk asks the question, “What do you do when the knots of insecurity tangle your sense of value and make you feel worthless?” As...
Posted by Carey Scott on 01/08/2016