Why is it so hard to let it go? How do we forgive those who have betrayed or abused us? Jesus tells us: “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will...
Posted by Margo Williams, DMin. on 03/30/2023
Please let me know if you have a topic in mind or if you have a theme and I will pray for direction for your event. ...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 01/31/2023
Life SolutionsBiblical and practical solutions for life’s most common problems like fear, anxiety, anger, forgiveness and communication. Giving you a foundation of how habits...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 01/31/2023
Unforgiveness is an open invitation to Satan. http://www.murielgladney.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RBjVQ9Xh68&list=PLUR5b_odMP-Wzc8o2lAUawCxlpqXsHodE&index=15....
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 02/23/2022
Maggie believes that hurt people hurt others; therefore, she shares the power of forgiveness. She shares with the audience the consequences of having on to bitterness, resentment,...
Posted by Maggie Kavanaugh on 10/15/2021
People love magicians. However, what if the greatest trick throughout eternity is the invisible enslavement of our minds. Forgiveness is the key to the door called Freedom. Check...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 08/19/2021
Paula speaks about forgiveness and why forgiveness is so important to our daily walk with God. If we do not forgive it does more damage than and pain. Paula explains how important...
Posted by Paula Abbott on 01/19/2021
God has created us a women to be a force of healing and hope in this world, but often insecurities and unforgiveness hold us back. Digging into the story of Jacob and Esau, this talk...
Posted by Melissa Harding on 02/04/2020
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to wrap our heads and hearts around. God invites you discover exactly how to let go of it, to release the grip of unforgiveness, and...
Unforgiveness causes many problems and no one is immune. Taken from her memoir by the same name, Kelly will lead us to forgiveness—and give us the motivation to want to embrace...
Session OneHaving A Growing Hunger For GodSession TwoRefuse To Be OffendedSession ThreeHow To e Obedient To The Spirit...
Posted by Joani Tabor on 05/23/2019
The past is considered unimportant. Given the soul-breaking events that often occur in a woman’s life, the past is like hauling a 100-pound sack of potatoes around our necks...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 02/08/2019