If you are married, at one time or another your spouse will need care from you, and you will surely also have to give care. My husband and I have had to lean the ins and outs of caregiving...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 10/31/2021
As the wife of a cop, I often hear... "What's it like?" "Does his job scare you?" "You must be so proud!" In this talk, I share my side of these...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 02/10/2020
It’s just a kiss, right? Sure why not? Addressing premarital intimacy, Kelly reflects on her first kiss and how this seemingly innocent act opened a door better left shut to...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Sometimes “standing by your man” can be unbelievably difficult. Even Tammy Wynette knew it back in 1968. Kelly looks at how our reactions can support or weaken our husbands...
Our culture equates happiness to feelings. God asks us to choose faith over feelings. 4 things you can do that will keep your marriage a priority, even when you don't...
Posted by Julie Buchtenkirch on 10/22/2018
As Christians we are called to love one another. In a world where putting self first is prioritized, how do we focus on loving one another? Bobbie looks at Biblical practical...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
Drowning out the "Noise" of life and focusing on Jesus. Having One on One time with Him only; shutting out every distraction so we can clearly hear what He has to say to us. Just as...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/19/2016
Ellie Kay, best selling author of fifteen books and frequent media guest on Fox News, ABC Nightline, Neil Cavuto, MSNBC, and CNBC presents her “Heroes At Home” message...
Ellie Kay, best selling author of fourteen books and frequent media guest on Fox News, ABC Nightline, Neil Cavuto, MSNBC, and CNBC presents “Living Rich for Less.” The...
All of us as women need to learn how to walk in the freedom of being uniquely who God made us to be. We are defeated right away when we begin to compare ourselves, our spouses, our...