Identify your passion, find your purpose and stand on the promises of God.This weekend retreat is designed to start you on the path to finding your purpose, (or confirming it), identify...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/29/2023
Ever wonder if God hears your prayers? Beyond grace at meals and quick bedtime prayers, there is an art to praying that surpasses childlike obedience. Remove common hindrances...
Posted by Robyn Dykstra on 08/06/2023
Janet uses her own illustration of the tragic loss of her eyesight and the murder of her son to showcase how God’s grace lifts us from the darkest valleys to the mountaintop...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/02/2023
Janet illustrates the path to live with: courage, faith, humility, faithfulness, and radiance....
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/02/2023
Have you experienced regrets or failures that seem to prevent you from reaching your full potential? Regrets can be powerful barriers to personal growth and achieving our full potential. They...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 01/15/2023
Hebrews 12:1 declares,” And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” Weaving hilarious illustrations with powerful personal testimony, Robin helps us discern...
Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 11/07/2022
Lord, Flip My House (Inner Transformation)Do you love watching decorating shows on T.V.? Do you marvel at the changes that can happen in the right hands? Have you ever thought...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
"What do you and your spouse have in common?""We got married on the same day."Many women can identify with that sentiment. They want their marriages to be happy...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
Messes and Masterpieces is the perfect message for a MOPS event or a gathering to celebrate women! Lauren weaves humor, creative illustrations, and bold, memorable sticky statements...
Sin has fibrous roots that want to possess our hearts.The chains that bind are not made of unbreakable steel, so where do we get the power to free us from the shackles of worry, self-loathing,...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 10/27/2021
Using the illustration of an ancient Jewish wedding, Lori beautifully shares the ultimate love story of Christ and His Bride and how they parallel to one another. It's filled...
Posted by Lori Militello on 03/26/2021
This is a retreat talk based on of the Book of Ruth and illustrates the Faith and Joy that come through following the Lord, even through the toughest trials of life....
Posted by Suzie Umbel on 03/09/2020