Let's face it - waiting is hard. Whether it's waiting for a prayer to be answered, a season of struggle to pass, or for clarity in a difficult decision, we all know the frustration...
In this inspiring talk, discover how God uses our deepest struggles to showcase His faithfulness and bring hope to others. Learn how our pain can become a powerful platform for sharing...
Posted by Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024
It's a hot topic these days. We're all talking about having better boundaries. But what exactly does that mean?And why are they an essential part of wellness and healthy relationships?...
Women are brilliant multi-taskers. Not only do we wear a lot of hats, we juggle a lot of balls. Our lived experiences and the ongoing pressures to perform can be overwhelming and exhausting....
Posted by Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024
Many women feel overwhelmed and drained, but Kathryn shows how small, intentional steps can restore energy and ignite a wellness movement within the family. This talk is a motivational...
Posted by Kathryn McAdam on 12/29/2024
Life’s battles can leave us weary, but prayer can transform us into spiritual warriors. In this empowering keynote, Rachel Wojo reveals how to persevere in prayer, drawing...
Posted by Rachel Wojo on 12/27/2024
Empower your audience to live an abundant life regardless of external challenges with "Faith Unshaken: Cultivating Spiritual Resilience for Endurance and Victory." This session...
In a competitive and rejecting world, it is hard to believe that God is not looking for an impressive resume. But the truth is you are accepted by God, chosen to belong with Him, without...
The Bible tells us to love our neighbor and spread the gospel beginning in Judea - our own backyard. Toni Campbell helps you do that in simple, practical ways. After reading a...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
When we come up against trials, we're often told to "just trust God." While that sounds good, what does that look like? How can we exercise real trust in practical ways...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
Did you know that 86% of Christians say they want to know their purpose, but many feel unsure of how to find it? Discovering God’s calling for your life can feel overwhelming,...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
Description:Life is full of challenges, but God’s Word provides us with a roadmap for living with purpose, compassion, and resilience. This keynote, grounded in biblical principles,...