Kelly encourages everyone to live, give, and love like Christ. Leave with a fresh perspective of the holiday, renewed excitement in Christ’s birth, and a bright anticipation...
You're excited about writing a book, script, or article, or perhaps you're putting together a new talk. Suddenly you realize you have few ideas or an abundance of them. Mind-Mapping...
Awaken to the Abundance in Christ is living your life from one perspective: value. You realize you are valued by the Father. You realize you possess a value and you are...
God doesn’t merely give us enough grace. He lavishes it on us with abundance! God gives us more grace than we need to not only survive life’s difficulties, but to thrive...
This weekend is based on Romans 15:13 and will allow the participant to see that through Christ we have enough hope for our past, present and future. One session deals with our pasts...
"In Forshia’s search for God’s abundant life, she discovered that it’s all a ‘matter of the heart.’ When the heart is right, the rest falls into place.Drawing forth from...
“You crown the year with your bounty and your carts overflow with abundance” (Psalm 65:11). 1st Session: God’s Miracle Masterpiece: You. 2nd Session: Miracles at...
As we face the challenges of life, we gain strength through surrendering to God’s perfect love and trusting in His sovereignty. Would you like to experience more peace, contentment...