It's a hot topic these days. We're all talking about having better boundaries. But what exactly does that mean?And why are they an essential part of wellness and healthy relationships?...
There is a huge difference between simply managing your disease and uncovering the root cause of the health problems, and restoring your body back to good health using natural approaches....
This enlightening presentation will show you how to uncover the myths and deceptions about what are keeping you from achieving true health. Learn what it means to have true health...
Posted by Jackie McKool on 12/30/2024
This is one of Dr. Jackie’s signature presentations and that she writes about in her book “Are You Being Deceived About True Wellness? Unveiling the Confusion, Myths and...
Posted by Jackie McKool on 12/30/2024
Broken to Beautiful, A Parable of MosaicsAs a mosaic artist, I’ve found that this beautiful art form offers profound lessons about life and faith—lessons I share in my...
Has life got you feeling stuck? Restore the sense of wonder and excitement of truly knowing your purpose and your path. God's promises for you are already written, His purpose...
Posted by Kristi Laskie on 12/19/2024
In a competitive and rejecting world, it is hard to believe that God is not looking for an impressive resume. But the truth is you are accepted by God, chosen to belong with Him, without...
How often do women stifle their creativity? Not just in art, but in any kind of creation: building a business, birthing a baby, even in dreaming! We were made in the image of God -...
Posted by Hannah Rowen Fry on 12/18/2024
The Bible tells us to love our neighbor and spread the gospel beginning in Judea - our own backyard. Toni Campbell helps you do that in simple, practical ways. After reading a...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
When we come up against trials, we're often told to "just trust God." While that sounds good, what does that look like? How can we exercise real trust in practical ways...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
In life’s most challenging moments, it’s easy to let fear take control. But when we choose faith over fear, we discover the strength to trust God, even when the path ahead...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
We’ve all had times when it feels like something’s getting in the way of living the life God has for us, and yet, the Bible tells us to throw off what hinders us and run...
Posted by Kristen Leigh on 12/15/2024