Grand Momsense — Wisdom for life that ages well! Inspirational truths for all. These are stories of life wisdom that age well. They are encouraging and life-changing...
Posted by Audrey Marie Hessler on 06/03/2024
Momsense — A Woman of Non-sensible Love! Becoming a woman who influences generations with God's nonsensible love. Love, prayer, and truth change a heart!Audrey's...
Effective communication is crucial for building strong relationships, with your spouse, children, at work, in the business world and within the church. "Effective Communication:...
This interactive talk is based on Jenny’s book Courageous Creative, filled with creative challenges and Gospel-centered teaching. You’ll learn foundational truths your...
Posted by Jenny Randle on 04/18/2024
The Enduring Power of Prayer: A Legacy That Lives On: Our prayers live beyond our life, our voice continues.Have you ever wondered about the impact of your prayers? Do you ever...
Do you ever find yourself riddled with hurt – in your everyday life? From those you work with, those in your family or sadly within the church walls. We attend service faithfully,...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
It’s easy to feel insignificant when you don’t have a spotlight ministry role or flashy career. Discontentment sets in as you question your purpose. Lisa affirms your identity...
In today's world, many women seek something that brings meaning to their lives but are disenchanted with organized religion. They often turn to New Age and occult practices...
Posted by Charlaine Martin on 01/12/2024
The importance of mothers is being challenged around the world. Although coming from an abusive home where her mother was the abuser, Muriel brings to light how that was never...
There's a new breed of marriage in the world today, and it can be yours! Dr. Hannah's powerful 3-step process guides you in practical ways to wise-up and:become a 'super-spouse'influence...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 10/21/2023
Have you ever heard of Huldah? How about Abigail or Jail? These are little known women in the Bible who were positioned to influence and change history while executing...
Posted by Angie Nuttle on 08/22/2023
"Is it okay to be successful in business?" Women have been wondering this for years. Based on Angie's book, The Purple Life: A Christian Women's Guidebook...
Posted by Angie Nuttle on 08/21/2023