We are living in unprecedented times.....escalating evil, deception, persecution of Christians and it can be very unnerving.Suzie reflects on fulfilled prophecy to reassure us that...
This is undoubtedly the season for women to shine. By shining, i mean it is time for her to stand up, lift up her head and courageously walk through every door that God has set...
Shame is an area that so many people deal with and it is a great tool that the enemy uses to keep people in bondage. Shame will always come up when you need...
There is a stark contrast between the fifty or more Old Testament references of a stronghold to the one New Testament reference by the Apostle Paul. The Old Testament stronghold was...
Torment! How do women conquer torment? Many women experience the ramifications of either outside forces or the misguided assumptions that evoke personal defenses of their mind. Even...