This is an exploration of a deeply personal journey towards healing and self-acceptance. The narrative underscores the longstanding impact of childhood trauma, and the shame that often...
Most parenting material focuses on raising children and teenagers. But what are the rules once they're grown? Come explore ways to nurture young adult "children" while...
Posted by Susan Howell on 08/29/2023
As Christians, we're told to forgive, but rarely how to do it. Join me in applying trusted psychological principles to this important, albeit challenging, staple of the Christian...
Posted by Susan Howell on 08/28/2023
This topic is incredibly close to my heart. It is heavy, and yet so crucial to address, especially in a world where many are silently suffering. I share my own journey through...
Confused by life? Mixed up? Feeling a bit whipped? During this program, you'll meet God as a Master Chef. The kitchen is your life, the recipe is the journey, and you are His signature...
Posted by Jennifer Sands on 08/25/2023
The comparison game is a lose/lose venture every single time yet each one of us has played it over and over. Learn a tactical game plan to shed the shame, break free from captivity...
Posted by Tess Scott on 08/24/2023
So many times in our lives, we wait. We wait for things to change, our circumstances to get better, and things to return to how they used to be. We don't realize that all too often,...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 08/23/2023
"Embarking on a journey into new beginnings is like stepping into the dawn of a fresh day, where the possibilities are as boundless as the horizon. It is a time to embrace change,...
Posted by Kate Penwarn Thompson on 08/23/2023
Storms are inevitable, but hope IS knowable. When you learn how to take it with you, it’s unsinkable, and it shows! Knowing who God is, and that you're His, gives consistent...
Five scripture-based sessions combined with beautiful songs of worship make this retreat ideal for a weekend get-away. Any session title can also serve as a single banquet keynote! Revitalize...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 08/22/2023
Mentorship has been fading in mainstream churches but it's time for a comeback! Angie Nuttle talks about how mentorship can save lives and souls. She shares creative ways...
Posted by Angie Nuttle on 08/21/2023
"Is it okay to be successful in business?" Women have been wondering this for years. Based on Angie's book, The Purple Life: A Christian Women's Guidebook...
Posted by Angie Nuttle on 08/21/2023