Our Extra Moms is a wonderful adventure to see the blessing of the many extra moms God gives us throughout our lives to pour into us her own special mom-ness. By looking at specific...
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
Society wants to put individuals in a box. But God created each one of uniquely. By looking at various women in the Bible we can see the many ways that God grants women gifts to do...
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
Hope and Help shows what help a victim needs to escape, what help is available, and what Christians can specifically do to help....
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
Dating Violence discusses how abusers seek out vulnuerable victims, then cleverly deceive them gradually increasing the control and abuse until it becomes dangerous or deadly. It also...
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
Domestic Violence Awareness is an overview of domestic violence, its history, how to recognize it and better understand why victims are so trapped....
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
"I AM Says, ""You Are..."" - Who are you? What defines you? Can a cross look ruin your day? Does a hurtful word send you into a tail spin? Do you try to fix...
"Trash the Lies- TM is not just another message - it is a movement! This new movement invites women of all ages and stages to live Contagiously Free, escape their prison of shame,...
Could the Adulterous Woman and the Sinful Woman with the Alabaster Jar be one in the same person? Reading John and Luke's account of these two women can bring this into speculation....
Posted by Daneen Pysz on 10/29/2015
This courageous woman is a very complex "Bad" Girl of the Bible. She’s been called all sorts of things and all types of stories have been told about her. Some are true...
Posted by Daneen Pysz on 10/29/2015
For the next few minutes, a woman from the Old Testament is going to give a first hand account and her opinion on what it was like to be without a child for most of her life. ...
Posted by Daneen Pysz on 10/29/2015
What will we do to strengthen the foundation of Marriage and Family. We are living in a season of time that demands refocus, restructure, rekindling of the fire you had when you said,...
Posted by Beverly J. Powell on 10/29/2015
Every one owns a business. It's called the family business. Learn to run your home exactly like a business. Plan ways to cutback and conserve your cash flow. The name of...
Posted by Beverly J. Powell on 10/29/2015