What it really means to abide, what it requires, and doesn't require of us. The believer's most essential Gospel-of-John take-home....
Posted by Susan VandePol on 10/29/2015
Identifying how women of all ages "speak wickedness" to themselves (Isaiah 58) and how to be free from its power....
Posted by Susan VandePol on 10/29/2015
Would you really know how to listen to your child if he or she was in danger of being hurt or abused? Gain the confidence and skills needed to become your child...
Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015
Ever think to yourself, “If only I had what I needed to get the job done, life wouldn’t be so hard”? In these tough times it is becoming increasingly difficult to...
Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015
Each individual’s hurt is unique, and each journey to healing is different, but all share the same goal: wholeness. Whether you are a person who has been hurt, or are in loving...
Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015
Anyone can make a difference in the life of a child who’s hurting. Even though the abuse occurred in the privacy of her home, Debi had people outside her home that gave her hope...
Posted by Debi Trumbull on 10/29/2015
Simple, children's Fairy Tales are used to show women that true beauty is on the inside, not outside. Applying her skills and experience as a Hairstylist and Fashion Coordinator,...
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
Be empowered and blessed by the Word of God. Learn how God will set you free when you rely on Him as your source of strength....
Posted by Judy Tripi on 10/29/2015
How many times have you uttered the words " I would be happy if ..." or "I will be happy when..."? We all just want to be happy, happy, happy! What does the Bible...
Posted by Joy Trachsel on 10/29/2015
If it is called the happiest time of the year, then why are so many people grumpy and not smiling? We have allowed the world to steal our "joy" of the season. It took a serious...
Posted by Joy Trachsel on 10/29/2015
The Great Cover-Up (Great topic for a retreat or one-time event) I love reading and hearing stories of God using everyday people to do extraordinary things. I want to be...
Posted by Joy Trachsel on 10/29/2015
When we approach God in worship, it is vital that we get beyond the rudiments, the practices, the patterns of the worship expression. While these can be tremendously beautiful vehicles...
Posted by Trish Torline on 10/29/2015