"Busy-ness" can destroy relationships and even our spiritual walk. Follow Paula in a personal reflection of how "busy-ness" became her idol and was contrary to...
Posted by Paula Frizzell on 07/19/2016
Are we commanded to watch CNN, FOX, MSNBC daily? Do we need to read all the latest in the newspaper and magazines? What about staying current on Facebook or other social media? Is...
Are we taking time daily to notice those "moments" that give us chill bumps, to stop and breathe, to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit? While we are busy chasing after...
Posted by Paula Frizzell on 07/19/2016
A little girl, face deformed by cancer, falls in love with the ugliest doll as we learn that through the eyes of love, even the ugliest can be beautiful. This visual presentation...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 07/15/2016
Awaken to the Abundance in Christ is living your life from one perspective: value. You realize you are valued by the Father. You realize you possess a value and you are...
Thriving in Every Season is about flourishing and not striving. When God created you, He had a specific purpose in mind. You are fundamental to God's Kingdom plan!...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 06/30/2016
Contending for the Faith is all about positioning of our hearts. In a culture that has become anti-God, Melissa addresses the importance of contending for the faith. Each...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 06/30/2016
We live in a society today where we never really need to leave our house to be in communication with others. In fact, we don't even have to speak with them if we choose....
Posted by Laura Sommons on 06/14/2016
Legacy Live a life of impact!. Learn to live a life of impact that influences beyond your lifetime. Session 1 Who am I? Learn about your identity in Christ. Our confidence...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 06/01/2016
Forgiveness, a word that is often used when offended by someone or someone has offended you. However forgiveness is necessary for healing in your life, but it's not easy extending...
An urban definition of the term "trainwreck" reads, "A person or situation that can't escape an inevitable bad outcome; hence, a trainwreck." (example: "The woman can't ever...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 05/24/2016
We never feel we are enough. Not woman enough. Not mom enough. Not good enough. Not strong enough. Not Christian enough. Kim walks you through Paul's...