Do you dread the moments in between? The moments in life when it's quiet and you feel all alone. The moments between church days or after a long day when things are quiet...
In this series, Beth approaches the seemingly elusive gift from the Holy Spirit - Joy. Each session is unique and brings out something different in us for each one. Each session can...
Posted by Beth Owens on 01/25/2017
Being wife can be very hard sometimes! Listen as Brandy shares how the Lord has taught her to be careful with her tongue when speaking to her husband. We are called to...
Presentation based on book Blessing Generations Through Prayer and the power that prayer has on your bloodline. The Bible tells us to leave an inheritance to our children’s...
Posted by Lisa Hooks on 01/17/2017
If you and your ladies have been afraid of sharing your faith, take heart. This session brings encouragement for modern day evangelism that draws people through the aroma of Christ...
Posted by Jeannie Vogel on 01/06/2017
Becoming a better you is way more than a number on the scale. From losing 60lbs to shedding spiritual weight, Brandy wants to share with you how God took her on a journey of loss with...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/24/2016
Have you ever found yourself thinking, "Something's wrong because I have nothing to worry about"? So many times in our lives as women we are consumed with worry. From...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/24/2016
No one likes change but it's the inevitable we all must face. Isn't it assuring that our Heavenly Father never changes, though? Through the midst of change, we can fully...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/04/2016
In this life we will have suffering and yet some of us suffer more than others. We sit and question why God would allow so much sadness and heartache to happen to one particular...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 11/27/2016
Becoming Women of Balance, Boundaries and Boldness. One of the top struggles women have within their lives is maintaining balance within their lives. If we do not have order within...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 11/16/2016
Whether you are Type 1 or Type 11, there are 3 basic areas that need to be addressed in order to live a long and heathly life. [Below is an excerpt from Adele's workshop on diabetes...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 10/14/2016
I just the person that I am inside, the one everyone else sees also? I mean, the person that I am at home, when I'm alone, when I'm aggravated, angry, or questioning...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 09/21/2016