I have a treasure box full of topics but I can also customize one for your specific theme or event. Just let me know and together, we will create God's message for all of...
Posted by Deanna Young on 01/19/2018
Sometimes we treat God as if it is our world and He just lives in it. We place Him on the back burner and don’t call upon Him until we need Him. But prayer changes...
Posted by Deanna Young on 01/19/2018
We have so many things to celebrate in this life because God is so good to us. With all the negativity in the world, we need to focus on God’s goodness and the work He...
Posted by Deanna Young on 01/19/2018
Do you worry about things you have no control over?Do you have things in your life that you are ashamed of or uncomfortable about?Are those things keeping you from getting close to...
Posted by Deanna Young on 01/19/2018
Many people today are falling away from their Christian faith, partially because they only have a superficial or intelectual belief. Or they have never studied the Bible for themselves....
My passion is to make a difference to someone every single day through kindness. Whether it is a gift, a card, a smile or a compliment, acts of kindness make people feel better...
Posted by Deanna Young on 01/18/2018
Jeannine shares how she recently applied this verse from Philippians to her own life as she went through having another CAT scan done. Jeannine shares how we truly can be anxious...
Posted by Jeannine Moffitt on 01/12/2018
A closer look at the temptations that are common to women and how our devotion to God and an alert heart can avoid them. Includes Combat Prayers, In the Trenches stories, In the trenches...
Posted by Cathy Messecar on 01/02/2018
Depending on the audience, this topic encourages women of all ages and marital statuses to look to the Lord for answers and encouragement in their present lives. For young never-marrieds,...
Do you ever feel like you and your husband greet each other at life's revolving door? Are parenting, jobs, and other priorities pushing your marriage relationship to the bottom...
Posted by Tammy Kennington on 01/01/2018
Aren’t we all misdiagnosed or misunderstood in one way or another? It is human nature to judge others based on first impressions; intelligent, athletic, driven, lazy, rich,...
Posted by Jean Abbott on 12/16/2017
In her most requested presentation, Jean shares her journey of misdiagnosis and how her sense of purpose along with a positive attitude enabled her to survive three decades...