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Diana Davis

Christian Speaker
Garland Texas 75042

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God with nothing works , and with Him nothing is impossible !

God with nothing works , and with Him nothing is impossible !

Contact Information

Garland, TX 75042
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Living Word Christian Church-Garland
Relationship to Church
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Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Diana Davis

Diana Davis is a Bible teacher, transparent theologian and speaker who helps women discover who they are in Christ, and that God hears them, that they are important to Him, and they leave knowing God better.


Diana's love for the word of God began as a child when she would hear her grandmother read the bible and tell stories about the people of the bible. As years passed these teachings gave her strength to endure child abuse,  and recovery from attempted suicide at age 12, and teen pregnancy. The words of her grandmother  rang loudly through each dark time in her life " Jesus loves  you and no matter what mistakes you make he will always be there for you." As Diana developed  her  personal relationship with Jesus those words continue to ring in her spirit. This is what motivates her to tell people with God nothing is impossible. 

Upon moving to Texas from Oklahoma Diana began to attend The Potters House -Dallas and enrolled and completed the school of ministry with certification. As God ordered her steps she began to work with Universal Language Ministries and was Ordained and Licensed through the late Apostle Vera Thompkins, from which Dominion Keepers Ministries was birth Diana being the founder, Diana's passion is to share the Light, Love, and Life of Christ with anyone who will listen and she  wants everyone to know how much God loves them. Diana recently retired as a Special Needs Teacher and is an active board member of SOAR and organization that helps parents with special needs activities and provides materials to educate on their need requirements.

Currently, Diana attends Living Word Christian Church-Garland where she is an active Elder, and Bible Class Teacher and resides over the new members classes and intercessory prayer. Diana continues to spread God's word through speaking engagements, outreach programs and weekly bible classes at her home church and being a witness in her community,  Diana is also looking forward to becoming a published author in the near future, In her ministry experiences  she has learned with GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.