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Sharon Wilharm Recommendations

Submitted by Christian Friend on 12/23/2022

Lynn Ramona

On Topic

Sharon Wilharm is a powerful Speaker. She shares her heart and feelings with the Grace of God. Her sharing knowledge is fantastic

Do You Know Sharon Wilharm? Write a Review

Betsy Williams - Administrator at church & organizer of women's events

We are so appreciative of Sharon for speaking to us this January 2025 (Rock Your World). She was kind, pleasant, and spoke encouraging words to us at our conference.
One of our younger ladies wrote: "Good evening! I just had something I wanted to share with you. On Saturday, my favorite part of the day was when Sharon mentioned the mom packing the little boy's lunch and how her doing that led to Jesus feeding the 5,000. I’m so thankful for you putting that conference on and having her speak. I never knew how impactful going to an event could be and the Lord used this event to give me so much hope in knowing that He will supply me with all my needs and that I just need to “Be still.”

Submitted by Wilkinson Church Of Christ on 01/29/2025

Laverne Barton, author

As a former Toastmaster President, I have a special appreciation for Sharon Wilharm's speaking style. She is genuine, inspirational and funny. I loved hearing the SUMMER OF '67 back story and the movie itself. It is an awesome accomplishment that she talks about with enthusiasm and humility.

Submitted by Member Of Cwima on 11/14/2024

Pamela Randolph

What a wonderful and inspiring presentation. Sharon is so encouraging. As she presented her amazing life story, her words were stirring and uplifting. How God's plan prevailed, unfolding in her life story, was presented as comfortably as "the girl next door"---but what an awesome neighbor! How His Divine Timing for His Purpose, required patience, and how many times she had to wait for His Plan to unfold, is a common lesson for all of us to learn. Allowing God to move stepping stone pieces in place, especially using creative talents, for His Glory, has its rewards. Sharon's easy and comfortable style in communicating with an audience, made an entertaining informative session. And her beauty shines like Light from within.

Submitted by Cwima Member on 06/24/2024

Crimson Rose Sugg, Film-Maker

Ms. Sharon Wilharm is an inspiring woman who shines God's love! I absolutely love what she shared, it was founded in truth and very encouraging!

Submitted by Triple Gryphon Confederacy Productions on 02/01/2024

Terry Johnson, Women's Ministry Director

Sharon was a delight to partner in ministry. She delivered a message that was relatable and timely for our ladies. One that challenged them to look at their own life circumstances and take comfort knowing they are not the only one facing challenges. Sharon uses Biblical truth from the lives of Biblical women to speak into the lives of today's women.

Submitted by Westwood Baptist Church on 01/25/2022

Cheri Fletcher, Speaker and Podcast Host

Sharon is a natural storyteller. Weaving personal life experiences shared with the lives of many women in the bible. She brings those women from centuries ago into our kitchens of today to sit at our tables and share our struggles, put their arms around us and say I get it!
Sharon is fun to listen to and will get you to laugh, but her passion for you to understand that the God who saw Hagar sees you too will also touch your heart.
I enjoyed my evening Sharon and would recommend her as a speaker to your event. I also enjoy her podcast as well.

Submitted by Cheri Fletcher Ministries - Your Spiritual Game Plan on 11/22/2021

Jacque Fann

Love Sharon's topical study on Women of the Bible. There is a lesson to learn or a principle to apply with every sweet biography, great or small. And Sharon's passion for helping women know their God more deeply is evident as she uncovers the divine details of the lives of these great Biblical females .

Submitted by Springfield Baptist Church on 07/12/2021

Amy Edwards

Sharon is AMAZING! I love hearing her speak and share, she is always full of energy and has the ability to make everyone feel at ease. I always look for to any time I am able to share in on her studies or events!

Submitted by Springfield Baptist Church on 07/04/2019

Rachel Price

Enjoy listening to Sharon speak. She is a engaging speaker that carries you along with her experiences. You lose youself in your time of listening, and come away having gained insight that you did not have before. Looking forward to attending her next speaking engagement.

Submitted by Church/springfield Baptist on 07/03/2019

Kim Allen

Sharon is hilarious! She shares from the heart her life experiences, all the while leading you back to Christ. She is very relatable, and easy to connect with. I loved hearing her stories about hurricanes , growing up and her life adventures. She’s experienced a lot and she shares it with humor. I always look forward to hearing her speak!

Submitted by Sbc Womens Prayer Retreat on 07/03/2019

Marcia Lyons

Sharon is a wonderful speaker and writer. She has great command of the Bible and draws upon her belief in it and Christ in her speaking and writing.

Submitted by Springfield Baptist Church on 07/03/2019

Rhonda Beshear

Sharon recently led our Ladies’ Prayer Retreat. She encouraged everyone by sharing her own experiences and incorporating stories of others. She kept everyone engaged and I think we all left with a desire to develop a more powerful prayer life.

Submitted by Springfield Baptist Church on 07/03/2019


There is POWER in prayer! Thankful to be involved in the prayer retreat that Sharon lead this weekend. She was organized, prepared, encouraged interaction and presented wonderful testimonies. Most of all she encouraged all of the ladies to strengthen their prayer life and have faith that God hears and answers our prayers.

Submitted by Springfield Baptist Church Women’s Ministry on 07/02/2019

Carolyn Donoho

I heard Sharon Wilharm speak at a recent orayer retreat. she delivered a theme and tied the different sessions inti her theme seamlessly. I really enjoyed her sessions and look forward to hearing her again soon.

Submitted by Individual on 07/02/2019

Jenny Knifley

Sharon is engaging and has a lot of charisma. She has had a lot of life experiences and knows how to make you laugh or cry.

Submitted by Springfield Baptist Church on 07/02/2019

Mrs. Christine Apple

She has a heart for the Lord. Researched her topic, included examples from her own life, and gave practical application tips to her audience. Rally enjoyed her sessions.

Submitted by A.c.e. on 07/02/2019

Hannah R. Conway, Author

Sharon Wilharm wows an audience, and they can’t help but be drawn in. The ways she teaches…the stories, the visuals—worth hearing and seeing!

Submitted by Author on 02/15/2019

Meghan Weyerbacher, event coordinator

Our church was so thrilled for Sharon & Fred Wilharm to come and speak, as well as show their latest film, Summer of '67. Not only was her story moving, we were so grateful the way the film raised conversation and brought people of all ages together. We were brought to both tears and laughter, and I hope we can have them back sometime!

Submitted by Countryview General Baptist Church on 09/06/2018

DonnaMarie Vaughan

I first met Sharon in the summer of 2018 when we were both speakers at the Great Lakes Christian Film Festival.
Sharon was there to discuss promotion and marketing of films, but her insight, knowledge and experience could be utilized not just for film, but for any product or service.
Additionally, Sharon was open, friendly - and best of all - approachable -not just during Q&A, but throughout the festival. She truly wants to help you help become successful!
I would highly recommend Sharon Wilharm as a speaker. I rate her 6 out of 5!

Submitted by Writtenby Dmv on 08/30/2018

Katherine Johnson, Director

Sharon's speaking manner is engaging, honest, and full of humor.

Submitted by Sheepshed Entertainment on 01/03/2018