Submitted by Coudersport Alliance Church on 11/14/2015
Beth Owens is a dynamic speaker. Her down to earth style and willingness to share her personal stories and experiences with her audience allows her to become an instant hit with them. It is always a pleasure to hear Beth speak.
Beth Owens is one of those engaging communicators that you can’t seem to get enough of. When she shares her mesmerizing story—in dramatic fashion—the light of Christ shines through her authentic memories of abandonment and shame to which He alone could bring redemption and transformation. Beth knows first-hand that “those old tapes are playing,” but she didn’t allow them to have the last word. No, Jesus Christ has had the final word in who and what Beth Owens would become, as she follows her destiny in serving Him. Love you, Beth! --Donna Best
Submitted by Women's Teaching Ministry on 11/24/2023
"I am happy to write in support of your efforts to minister to ladies in the Bradford area and beyond. You have demonstrated a genuine and obvious desire to follow our Lord as He is leading you and the other ladies in this worthwhile endeavor. I have watched you over the past few years and it is obvious that you have been growing in the Lord. I have seen your commitment to the work here at Sawyer and your interest in a broader influence. It demonstrates a sincere commitment to the Local Church as well as the Great Commission. I realize that life has not always been so well defined for you. I believe that God has taken that part of your life and transformed it into a tremendous trophy of His grace. Your story is one of rebirth that will influence other ladies in their struggle to know peace.....
Submitted by Sawyer Evangelical Church on 05/31/2023
Beth's life transformation has given her a wonderful message that many women are certain to relate to. She is real. She is down to earth and fun. In her blog Thursday's Child, she takes every day situations and finds insight that leads us to a closer relationship with God. I've know Beth for four years and most recently invited her to join me in the women's ministry Women's Power Surge, dedicated to bringing Christ to the women right here in our community through large group event and small group connections. Beth is absolutely on fire to minister to women where they are. She is a woman looking to be all that God wants her to be: Completely His.
Submitted by Women's Power Surge Ministries on 01/24/2023
Awsome speaker!!! She really spoke to my heart! Made me cry and touched me deeply! I am planning on having ger come to my church to speak! I would absolutly recomend her as a speaker!!!!
Submitted by Bradford Alliance Church on 10/19/2022
Beth has a heart after God. Her story is inspirational to all women because we all fall short of His unending love, mercy & grace. I would recommend her to any organization so that God's story of redemption, grace, love can be shared with others.
Submitted by Community Member on 09/22/2021
Beth's ability to create an atmosphere where her audience quickly empathize with her is remarkable. She is real, and tells her story candidly, yet with taste and a great deal of flair. Her style and message leave ample room for the Holy Spirit to work and draw hearts to God. I see much promise in her future.
Submitted by Women's Power Surge on 09/02/2021
As a Humorist, Speaker, Teacher, and Writer, Beth is reaching women as they are, where they are, to help them live out their story of faith in Christ Jesus. Beth has a very refreshing way of bringing the forgiveness of God to life. She knows how to connect to women who have faced struggles with addiction and searching for misplaced attention. Her speaking style is humorous, heartwarming and inspires every one to make their life count regardless of where you have been or what you have done. Beth understands the pain that comes from a broken home and she knows what it means to fight for freedom from your past. In a constant search for fulfillment and acceptance that her absent father left, Beth looked in all the wrong places for love. .....
Submitted by Bradford Area Christian Academy on 06/24/2019
Beth was a breath of fresh air at our recent ladies retreat. She interacted with the women and joined in as though she were always part of our group. She brought a simple and clear message that was engaging for women no matter where they were on their journey with Christ. Her love for Christ is evident and contagious. She was a perfect fit for our conference on Joy...she lights up a room just by entering. People are drawn to her, her message and to God! She will challenge your group and you will come away blessed and ready to spread the love of God!
Submitted by Dixonville Wesleyan Church on 01/02/2019
I had the pleasure of hearing Beth speak at our church's Mother/Daughter Banquet. She was so much fun to listen to, had a wonderful testimony & I would recommend her to anyone. :)
Submitted by Coryville Church Of Faith on 04/30/2017
Prepare to be challenged, prepare to smile and prepare for God to use you! Beth spoke 3 sessions are our Ladies Retreat a couple of weeks ago and I am still telling people about her message of JOY! Her interaction with the guests was very encouraging, her messages kept my attention and were life-impacting and her love of Christ was obvious! I would highly recommend Beth Owens as a speaker for your event. Prepare to be changed... for the better!
Submitted by Dixonville Wesleyan Women on 03/14/2017
We recently had Beth in to speak for our Ladies Retreat on Finding Your Joy. What an awesome experience it was! In that short weekend, she has become a part of our extended family. God has blessed her with the talent of sharing his word in such awesome ways. If you are looking to be blessed beyond measure, Beth is someone whose ministry will do it!
Submitted by Dixonville Wesleyan Ladies Group on 03/13/2017
My organization did not host Beth, but I have had the pleasure of hearing her share on several occasions. Beth is fun and honest. She presents herself professionally and stays on point with her message. She delivers her message clearly and leaves you with memorable points to think on and grow from all while giving glory to God!
Submitted by Bright Alternatives on 12/18/2015
I found Beth Owens to be a very talented and informative speaker. She gave a personal look into her very own situation speaking to many womans' lives and needs. So many young people would benefit from just hearing her testimony and her advice is completely Bible based. She would be an asset for any womans conference.
Submitted by Bradford Foursquare Gospel Church on 11/26/2015
Beth’s transparency about life issues is refreshing and uplifting. As she shares her stories, she takes her audience on a virtual tour of heartaches, struggles, and Christ’s transformation. She is an extremely talented speaker, mixing a generous amount of heartfelt confessions, Scriptural truths, and a tidal wave of quirky quotes and mannerisms that captures the attention of everyone present. She has a broad range of speaking experience from teaching elementary students, leading women’s Bible studies, and directing other group presentations. She certainly can tailor any age-appropriate message to bring her point home. She will undoubtedly have your guests in stitches one minute and tears the next as she challenges them to strengthen their commitment with the Lord.
Submitted by Bright Alternatives "the Center For New Hope" on 11/16/2015
I heard Beth speak at the Power Surge event for women held at UPB earlier this year. I felt she was engaging, spiritually sound in her Bibical references, and encouraging.
Submitted by First United Methodist Church on 11/13/2015