Live, Love, Learn & Lead Like Jesus

Boundaries are limits we establish as to how we will allow others to treat us, while at the same time exhibiting self-control. As a leader, you get to live, love and learn within healthy boundaries.
I am a girl for God. At age 45, I surrendered my life to Jesus and turned to the Lord as my Number One in all things.
I had to work on developing personal boundaries because I love to talk! Before speaking, I check in with God: Are my words necessary, true, and kind?
I learned that having the last word wasn’t always necessary.
How about you? I’m emotional, dramatic, passionate. Will you join me in responding instead of reacting? It's how we LIVE, LOVE, LEARN and LEAD like Jesus!
Enlarge Your Capacity through Brave Restraint

Each of us holds a distinctive paintbrush by which we color the world. Through authentic relationships and intentional discipleship, I encourage women to paint by design. God uniquely equips each of us for kingdom purpose, but we are responsible to guard what He gives. How do we wisely steward the palette of our gifts, time, and resources? Our greatest opportunity for influence comes when we practice our calling with brave restraint. As we grow in clarity, confidence, and character, God enlarges our capacity.
Transform Your Mind

Two easy, powerful practices are known to change a person’s thoughts! God’s method of transformation is now scientifically proven true. The Holy Spirit inspired the WRITING of God’s Word and Jesus spoke the Word while He WALKED with the disciples. Deep grooves accessed in the limbic portion of our brains hold all the power to change and transform the thought life of our minds (Romans 12:2). Sound familiar? I’ve led thousands of women into the practice of combining WRITING God’s Word on simple index cards and then WALKING (bilateral movement = limbic access) with these cards, speaking the Word aloud!
Let Your Ideas Flow!

Have you ever had a brilliant idea pop into your mind and you think, that would be amazing? Ideas begin to flow of what I would need to do and resources I would need and wham it hits you. What am I thinking? Doubts and insecurities come to the forefront as I discredit any previous successes that I have creating a mind-boggling whirlpool known as Imposter Syndrome. This is when I review 12 “R” Step Up and Step Over Imposter Syndrome Strategy Statements. These strategies are helpful to catapults me to my next step as I flourish in my calling.