In the same way every relationship is unique, every woman's relationship with God is intended to be deeply personal and individual. That is what moves relationships from group to individual--the personalization piece. Here are insights from some Christian Women Speakers to help you lead your women closer to Jesus.
Every Journey Unique
Your women are on a journey. Everyone has her own story. When I was a girl, we talked, the Lord and I. Growing up took me away from Him. Soon, I wouldn’t hear Him at all. After many years and prayer, He spoke. I recognized in that moment that He never stopped talking. I wasn’t undeserving, I just needed to open my heart as well as my ears. When I did, He blessed me with a testimony I had never known: that there is more for us believers. What's important to remember is that we can believe without fully understanding the joy that comes from the Father, and it is the only joy that completes us.
Teddy Bears & Me
We each see our relationship with God through different lenses. For me, it's all about teddy bears. My house is filled with teddy bears. They remind me to shed my adult worries, frets, and frustrations. I am encouraged to smile, to laugh, to climb on my Heavenly Father’s lap in prayer and lean on Him. Matthew 18:3 tells us to seek Him ‘like a child’; not childish, but child-like. Come to Him with open arms, listening for His words, and trusting in His strength. When is the last time your gals rested in His loving embrace? Encourage them to grab a teddy bear, climb on God’s lap and fall asleep with His assurances.
Listening for God
After I got saved, I wanted to know God intimately. But how do you relate with Someone who is invisible? Someone up there—somewhere. I got excited when I discovered that God desires to commune with me and does. He wants to be known by each of us. His heart is to clearly communicate to anyone with an open heart; He does it in a way that makes sense to each person individually. Sometimes through a song, a sunrise, a hug, a verse, a thought. But, if we respond to His drawing, He will guide us each step of the way into closer intimacy with Him. As we seek Him with all our hearts, He promises we will find Him! (Jeremiah 29:13-14)
Connecting Through Tech
I use technology to help me draw nearer to God and regularly get His word into my heart. I record favorite scriptures on my phone and listen to them every morning. I play the recordings while I make my bed, feed my dogs, make my lunch, or perform other tasks that don’t require much conscious thought. I love to recite the words along with the recording. This has really made a difference in my thoughts, feelings, and actions. Psalm 119:105 is absolutely true, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path!" Even if you're not personally into tech, don't rule it out. Some of your gals may find it's a perfect fit for them.
Marnie's Thoughts on Nurturing Our Unique Relationships with God
In my book, Feeling Loved: Connecting with God in the Minutes You Have, I talk about how uniquely each of us is made and how important it is, to actually "feel" loved by God--not just know it, but feel it. The key is personalization.
It starts with you, the Women's Ministry Leader: It is critical for you to appreciate and embrace your own uniqueness in order for you to fully enjoy and nurture your women.
Below are some top tier tips for nurturing, developing and enjoying close, personal relationships with God:
1. Spend time with Him every morning through prayer and meditation: You've got to spend time with God, talking with Him in prayer and thinking about Him with love and gratitude. Do this in your own unique way. I wake up praying a personalized version of the Lord's Prayer, move on to journal a full page of praise and thanksgiving, pray, praise, focus and ask questions while running on the elliptical, then put on my spiritual armor while dressing for the day. Every woman's morning routine with Jesus should be unique to her personality, interaction preferences and to what brings her joy.
2. Build connection throughout your day: Beyond your beautiful morning routine, build connection throughout your day. I use a 20-minute timer to remind myself to check-in with God often as I work. I breathe "air prayers" when I feel any sense of anxiety, stress, pressure, confusion or pain. I praise God continually as I go through the day. Every woman will establish her own pattern, but like close relationships with anyone, they thrive on connection.
3. Study God's Word: The scripture is His love letter to you. Reading, studying, meditating and memorizing His words is one of the most powerful, fastest and best ways to deepen your understanding of how much God loves you and wants to be part of your everyday life.
4. Attend church: Getting together regularly with other believers is key to thriving spiritually. Not only does it provide the opportunity to connect with God in a unique way (not possible on your own), but also to connect with other God-lovers, discovering community, connections, new friends and opportunities for fellowship.
5. Serve others: God gives us gifts to enjoy and share. If all we do is enjoy, we become like a stagnant pond with scum on the top. It's critical to enjoy the gifts, talents, possessions and positions God grants us, but imperative to share them with others as well. One of the best ways to get to know someone better is to spend time working on a project with them. It's the same with God. Express your love for God and deepen your relationship with Him by volunteering in ways that fit your personality, skill sets and schedule.
6. Practice forgiveness: Freely forgiven, it's important for us to forgive others. I sometimes even "forgive" God. Not that He's done anything wrong, but sometimes I feel disappointed by Him, so I choose to forgive whatever that is, and pursue relationship. Take time to pray through any grudges or resentments you've been holding onto. Release your pain and sadness to God. Let Him take care of you as you release forgiveness to the offender. This is freedom.
7. Listen: Stay open to God's incoming messages to you. God communicates in so many ways--from sunsets to songs, sermons to strawberries, hugs to highlight reels. Often it's through His word, but not always. Stay alert for His still small voice and say YES! Follow God's guidance, even if it leads you outside of your comfort zone.
Remember that your relationship with God is unique and personal. Take the time to nurture it in your own way, and don't compare, or allow your WM team to compare, your own journey or connection styles in a judgemental or diminishing way. Encourage every woman in your group to explore, embrace and get excited about her own unique pathway to closeness with God.
Marnie Swedberg is a speaker, the founder and director of, the author of 14 books and the host of Marnies Friends Talk Radio.