Joy = Strength

Bill Gaither penned, "I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free, for His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." When I begin the day singing it puts everything into a new perspective. Negativity and nay-sayers fade from memory and faith in God deepens. Sing for an audience of ONE. A polished, poised, perfect voice is not required--a faithful heart is the result. Go ahead---SING because you are happy! It will definitely turn a frown upside down. The JOY of the Lord is your strength.
L.I.N.K. - Connect Faith + Life

My passion is helping people connect FAITH + LIFE in practical, purposeful, and powerful ways. Because I am also a speaker and teacher, I try to create simple yet memorable ways to help people do this.
My latest teaching tool is LINK: A step-by-step guide to connecting FAITH + LIFE.
Step 1: LOOK in the Bible for a precise EXPLANATION
Step 2: INFORM your understanding through purposeful ILLUSTRATION
Step 3: NOTICE the places for practical APPLICATION
Step 4: KEEP growing through personal REFLECTION.
Take a Self-Test

Are you having a difficult time getting to God? Be honest: Is there anywhere you in the flesh or do you have friendship with the world? Know that they are at enmity with God. The flesh does not want to hang out with its enemy. Know, the lust of the flesh is of this world and the ruler of this world is Satan. He is luring all of us toward acts of the flesh to pull us away from God. Crucify the flesh, renounce the world, spiritually war against demonic attacks, mind others and your thoughts and fight to get to Jesus.
Invest the Time

To deepen your relationship with God it takes time! You need quality time with Him and not just praying. Just like us, no one wants to the be ONLY a go-to "911" person, and God is the same. He wants a relationship with you which is why He sent Jesus Christ to bridge the gap caused by sin. Time with Him involves praying, talking to Him, listening to Him, obeying Him, reading the Word of God, worshiping Him in praise and in the way you live daily. The more time you spend with Him in these areas, the more you get to know Him and the closer you become.