5-Fold Lifestyle Plan

My strategy for living a healthy lifestyle is five-fold. 1-Create a holistic vision statement for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, understanding that we are a temple for the Spirit of God to dwell. 2- Keep your vision before you and decree it daily. 3- Take action steps that will help you make healthy choices. For instance, hire a strength trainer or find an accountability partner. 4- Be careful what you allow in your eyes and ears. What we meditate on is important and impacts our overall mental health. 5- Take baby steps and show yourself grace.
Energize Your Life
You must have energy to enjoy and profit from anything you do in life. Some people seem to have an abundance of energy, while others struggle. There are ways to increase your personal energy. Do what you’re passionate about. Passion is one of the greatest energy restorers available. Know your emotions. Your thoughts drive your emotions that can wear us out. When you think positive thoughts, you’re naturally going to have positive emotions and that is a natural energy booster. To enjoy a happy and vibrant energy level, tap into the power of taking care of yourself.
3 Christ-Centered "Interior" Design Tools for Health

Half the population is on social media. Eight out of ten Pinterest users say they go there to feel better. The top searches are “how-to” & “project planning.” Prayerfully ask the Lord about His desires for your space and how it might serve all who enter it. Ask Him how your home can tell your testimony. The Lord determines what is good—ask Him to show you what you have too tight a grip on. His ways are higher; consider drawing your space from a birds-eye view. May He be the Source we run to in all our ways—including interior design.
Hope Provides a Healthy Foundation

Ever have days when hope seems hidden and your joy’s running on empty? It happens! If we want to keep hope in plain sight and the “-ful” in joyful, we need a hope that’s not tied to circumstances. Unsinkable hope that fuels our joy is found in knowing for certain two magnificently epic things—who God is, and that we are His! Growing in knowing God and in the experience of being His is the only sure foundation for a hope that thrives! When we learn to take that hope wherever we go, life overflows with confident, resilient joy!