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Be Bold and Blossom as a Leader

Be Bold and Blossom as a Leader

Be Bold and Blossom as a Leader: Be Your Uniquely Beautiful Self

God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit. God’s various ministries are carried out everywhere.” 1 Corinthians 12:4 MSG

I love working in my garden and tenderly caring for every flower and bush with their requirements of soil, light, spacing, and fertilizing. As each receives individual care, it produces its God-given uniqueness, and the variety creates the garden’s beauty. 

It amazes me how I can appreciate God’s creativity in nature and in my yard, but when it comes to myself, that same distinction can be the source of insecurity, conflict, and doubt. 

Why is this case? Why can’t we see our differences as beautiful and appreciate our own and others’ unique ministries? 

Instead of valuing the beauty God created in us, we can fall into the dangerous pit of comparison, opening the door to shame, judgment, or pride. God gifted us differently for a reason. Yet when we see the gifts and abilities our sisters and brothers got, many times, we measure our value in comparison to them.  

Paul explains how God created each of us with different gifts and abilities and it is in our diversity that He designed us to work together in unity. I believe this is an important reminder to each of us as leaders. He wants us to use our unique talents as He directs, not to sit in the seat of comparison or judgement, pride, or even worse, envy.  

God wants you to know, right now, that you are His unique creation, made for a purpose and equipped with a message He has given you to share with others.

Be bold and blossom into the beautiful leader God created you to be, and already sees.

Prayer: Father God, You are a creative God. Your handiwork is beautiful in nature and takes my breath away, whether it is a sunset, thunderstorm, or the budding of springtime flowers. Just as I can appreciate all the beauty around me, reveal to me ways that I can encourage and support others with their gifts. Remove the internal voices of doubt, shame or comparison, because You have designed me for a purpose. Help me to see that purpose, have confidence in it and step into my world to glorify You. Amen.   


Author and speaker, Peg Arnold, engages audiences as she brings stories to life, encouraging women to embrace their God-given value. Discover your purpose and how to juggle the joys and challenges of life’s distractions. Learn more at www.PegArnold.org and invite Peg to speak at your next event via www.WomenSpeakers.com.

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