On this 50 minute radio show hosted in Denmark with a listenership of 25,000, 40% of whom are in the US, Sue Bowles and Louisa 'Wizzi' Magnussen talk about life's traumas and what it takes to not only survive but even thrive after healing from it. Sharing more about the Dare to Believe Movement, Sue candidly shares her story, what she has learned, and the deep healing God has brought to her life when she 'took a risk on love.' Nestled within the radio show is a 6 song playlist personally selected by Sue to supplement the message, featuring music from a variety of Christian...
In her true story of radical healing by a radical God, Confidence Coach and Self-worth expert Sharon Hughes, in her best-friend-over-coffee style, shares her testimony and the "God question" that was the tipping point. This one simple question revealed that she wasn't who she thought she was and you might not be either. ...
Life hurts, and layers of hurt leave us feeling beyond help. Yet, the human spirit won't let us quit. So how do we navigate the distance between hurt and healing? In "This Much I Know...The Space Between," Sue Bowles shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" "When we're talking about our stories, the space between is that gap, that time of questioning and anger and confusion and doubt and...whatever else you can think of. It's the...