Devastated by the tragic loss of his parents, young Wesley finds himself an orphan in a very unforgiving and cruel world. Forced to the streets to beg for survival, one unsuspecting day he meets a man who will change his life forever. Given the opportunity to become heir to the throne he must battle the plans of the evil sorcerer intent on destroying his life and the entire kingdom. Let your imagination soar to a land filled with kings and wizards, dragons and damsels in distress, dungeons, dwarfs and enchanted forests. Fantasy and reality meet in a suspenseful story of love, honor and courage...
Jeremy was full of life and laughter as a child. Then, suddenly, darkness invaded his life without warning. The darkness came from someone he looked up to and stole the joy from his heart. It was one thing after another, and his joy was replaced with despair, and his will to live was gone. Darkness and drugs are the life he knows now and prison awaits. Will he find life, love, and the healing which can only come from Jesus Christ? Will he see the light? Will he know the light, and will he let the light of Jesus in and restore what was lost? ...
The Hope Journey Walk event opens your eyes to prayer opportunities. In a busy world we "live routinely" driving down the same streets every day. When you walk and begin to seek God's will over a community. Watch now! ...
Book - In “SHINE – Uplifting Words for Girls in Stiletto’s," Kelly shares true stories, wisdom, quotes, and affirmations to inspire and challenge you to unlock your true potential and embrace your incredible destiny. If you have ever questioned your purpose in life, felt stuck or in need of change, open this little book and dare to dream again. Begin to believe, as Kelly does, that you are a miracle in the making. You were created to SHINE! This little book is inspiring women across the country. Kelly Master and her teams have given thousands of free copies to women...