As a child, Patti Davis has a rage-aholic mother, struggles in school, and suffers both physical and sexual abuse. But when a neighbor invites her to participate in a children’s program at their church, something changes. This local church becomes a sanctuary where, for a few hours a week, she feels safe. In spite of being under God’s protection, Patti’s adult life is a series of struggles. But even through health, relationship, and financial hardship, God remains faithful. For...
Posted by Patti Davis on 02/13/2024
Sue Bowles joins the podcast to share her story of hurts that left her feeling beyond help. Sue describes a “nagging optimism” that kept her going, even when she wanted to give up and end her own life. Sue is the author of "This Much I Know...The Space Between," a book where she shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" Grace Story has booked Sue to be a Story Teller at the November 2025 Conference in Cincinnati, OH. ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 12/19/2022
Life hurts, and layers of hurt leave us feeling beyond help. Yet, the human spirit won't let us quit. So how do we navigate the distance between hurt and healing? In "This Much I Know...The Space Between," Sue Bowles shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" "When we're talking about our stories, the space between is that gap, that time of questioning and anger and confusion and doubt and...whatever else you can think of. It's the...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 10/08/2022
Inevitably, we face change every day of our lives, which can impact our lives differently. How we make sense of it will affect how we process it and respond innovatively and creatively. Through their adversity, twenty-one POWERFUL Queens gained a greater understanding of dealing with personal challenges, learned to overcome the mounting stress, and were empowered with the tools to survive and thrive. These amazing women put POWER to the PEN and courageously shared their powerful stories and practical wisdom on how they defied the odds by discovering that adversity entrusted them with the secret...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 09/27/2021
Hidden with Christ is Lisa's story of overcoming child sexual abuse. It takes a different look than most books on abuse, highlighting the heroes who God provided at different times in her life to keep Lisa from being swallowed up by the darkness around her. Hidden with Christ is filled with hope for anyone who has suffered trauma and wants to find freedom. Filled with Scripture, this book is sure to encourage those who feel broken and point them to the abundant life Jesus promises. ...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 08/05/2021
Kristin Clouse, a sexual abuse survivor, shares her story, and her professional experience as a licensed mental health counselor, to walk with women through the healing and restoration process. Includes study questions, moments of reflection, and creative activities. For use by individuals, counselors, or in a small group setting. Size – 8.5 x 11 Workbook size gives plenty of space within the book to complete study questions and activities. One out of three to four women is sexually abused within her lifetime. Though we are all created to flourish and grow, sexual abuse leaves us broken,...
Posted by Kristin Clouse on 05/07/2020