Judy Salisbury has compiled her popular and enduring children’s books into one Trilogy of Lessons. These encouraging, life-changing, and compelling stories touch children—and adults—of all ages and include: Book #1: DITSY AND THE VERY GOOD SHEPHERD reminds us that, like Ditsy, we can all be hurting, angry, or scared. Everyone feels that way at one time or another. That’s why it’s time to learn the lesson, through this engaging little tale, of how you don't have to be ditzy like Ditsy as she comes to realize the truth that she really is loved, never alone or forgotten,...
What happens when you combine the urgency of a first responder, the heart of a counselor, and the mind of a Christian apologist? The product is a thirty-one-day guide that will help you face flood, flame, fear, or flu with wisdom and strength. Judy Salisbury created a relevant devotional resource to help individuals through any of life’s trials, be they global, national, or personal. Truly an encouraging, convicting, and instructive guide for personal growth to help people who are looking, not just to survive the distressing times, but also to thrive. "Judy Salisbury, with her...
A weekly newsletter equipping Christian women and parents to engage fully in God's grand story! Insights on building spiritual strength, emotional health, and relational wisdom! I share recommended resources from other authors, speakers, and podcasters in addition to my own content. ...