What happens when you combine the urgency of a first responder, the heart of a counselor, and the mind of a Christian apologist? The product is a thirty-one-day guide that will help you face flood, flame, fear, or flu with wisdom and strength. Judy Salisbury created a relevant devotional resource to help individuals through any of life’s trials, be they global, national, or personal. Truly an encouraging, convicting, and instructive guide for personal growth to help people who are looking, not just to survive the distressing times, but also to thrive. "Judy Salisbury, with her...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Whether you are a new believer or have walked with the Lord for many years, "More Than Devotion" provides you with fifty opportunities to learn through an array of biblical personalities and their circumstances. As you read each day’s related account from both Old and New Testaments, you will realize that God truly is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You will also see that human nature appears unchanging without God's intervention as well, making this work relatable and relevant. With the backdrop of remembrance, each day provides a practical application and an achievable...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Engaging Encounters: Your Guide to Apply Reasons for Faith, is a captivating resource highlighting six unique exchanges with six different women. Judy Salisbury offers nearly one-hundred practical and life-changing responses presented in a conversational format. Addressed are an array of emotional, biblical, moral, intellectual, and spiritual concerns that many women face today. This guide is an excellent resource for women’s group study. The sections Questions for Review and Thoughts for Reflection provide opportunities for discussion, additional instruction, practical information, encouragement,...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
When we see red-letter words jump off the page of the Gospels, we know we are listening to our Lord, Jesus Christ. So as we desire a deeper relationship with Him, there’s no better place to start than those red-letter portions of scripture. This first volume of Jesus’ Words For Us starts with His presentation at the Temple as a young man. Then we walk with Jesus where He walked, sit at His feet, witness His love for His followers and hear His own words as they penetrate our hearts and minds. Jesus’ words are precious, sometimes difficult to hear...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
Move from fear to faith with Marnie and Christian Women Conference Speaker, Doris Swift. Discover how: • Our calling isn't built in a day, it unfolds in many ways over our lifetime. • Our ministry is wherever we are, woven into the tapestry of God's amazing plan. • When God opens our eyes to see hard things, it ignites our passion and compassion, convicting us to take action. • Instead of saying, 'I'm not enough' we can say, 'I don't need to be enough because Jesus is enough for the both of us.' • God...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/31/2020