You are made in the image of God - Stop hating yourself - You are fearfully and wonderfully made. When you change your won't have to change your outward looks! In Poetic Prescriptions for Eternal Youth: Examining Earthly Beauty from a Heavenly Perspective, Katherine Norland picks apart societal standards of beauty that have been foisted upon us. She shatters misconceptions about image and self-worth in this truthful yet lighthearted look at our bodies, and shows us the difference a divine perspective makes. Katherine pops the fallacy of being perfect like a ripe zit,...
Paperback Young Molly comes from a single parent home barely getting by. What they lack in material possessions, is made up by love. At school, three girls bully Molly. She struggles to understand, hurt by their actions. While she sleeps, the Lord takes Molly on a train ride in her dreams helping her see that everyone has a story. He shows her the reason behind their bullying and the meaning of forgiveness.  With God's help, forgiveness can flourish and friendships can be birthed. Hop aboard and take the train ride of forgiveness with Molly! ...