Yvonne Conte is a featured author in Remarkable Women of Faith from Insight Publishing. Also featured in this dynamic collection of interviews are Jennifer O Neil (Motion picture Actress, Cover Girl Model and Motivational Speaker) and Ann Jillian (Broadway, Motion Picture and TV actress, spokesperson and motivational speaker). This exciting series captures the insights, strategies, and inspiration of faith-minded Women and features nationally acclaimed author and inspirational speaker, Yvonne Conte and other dynamic professionals who offer powerful lessons in faith. Yvonne Conte...
Paperback Everyone will have to give an account one day. Catherine Buncy as an actress, she lived a life of fame, fortune, personal tragedy, and turmoil. Struggling to give in to romance, will she find true love? There was another love she needed to accept, the love of God. Will she find her love for the Lord, or will it be too late?  Her Final Curtain was coming, and she had to choose where she wanted to spend eternity. Will she make the right one? ...
During "Finding Joy In A Messy Life: Living with & Loving a Depressed Husband" you’ll discover: • The one foundational truth that will never let you down. • 5 keys to staying sane while living with insanity. • The most important mindset for making it through the roughest seasons. • 3 verses to keep in your purse (and on your heart). • The most shockingly sad realities about this type of journey, and how to forgive. • What to do when you cannot figure out what to do. • 4 insider secret...
Love Needs No Words Rachel and Mitchell both grow up in the small town of Providence, Tennessee. Their paths keep crossing and at one point it looks like they'll finally get together. But the opportunity slips away and they go their separate ways. It takes a tragedy many years later before they're reunited. This time will they let the moment pass or will they take a step of faith and trust God to work a miracle in their lives? This beautiful redemptive romance is portrayed with no dialogue, using dramatic action, breathtaking cinematography,and an incredible soundtrack of indie...