"VISIONS aren’t MISSIONS until you put FEET on them!" - Linette Rainville Do you have a VISION, dream or project burning in your heart and stirring in your head? Are you like, what do I even do with this? How do I take the first step? Who am I to even try? I feel you girl! This was me when God tugged at my heart 25 years ago and I had no idea how to launch a ministry. My little mustard seed dream started with one bag of "skinny jeans" and ???? STEP by brave STEP the Lord helped me to steadily and surely grow it to a MILLION...
STOP Dreaming, START DOING! by Linette Rainville This eBook is one of Linette Rainville's most popular publications available as a free download! DISCOVER your BIG WHYDISMANTLE your border BULLIESWRITE the VISIONSay HELLO to your WHOTake INVENTORYDRAFT your BLUEPRINTLAUNCH your DREAM!...
Learn ways to establish solid habits in daily tasks so peace can permeate the chaos of this complicated world through living every day simple. Learn more CLICK HERE Down-to-earth tips about questions in life. Who am I? Why do my feelings get hurt so easily? Why do I keep doing things I don't want to do?To purchase CLICK HERE ...