When Carole Leathem’s husband, Bill, first began his battle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, she had no idea years of rejection and identity issues would come to a head. After all, when you’re the wife of a senior pastor, there are certain expectations that come with it. Imperfection and mental illness are not among them. Managing depression in marriage and setting relationship boundaries brought pain, uncertainty, and rejection, which were nearly unbearable. Whenever Carole surrendered to God, he showed up time and time again. As Carole searched...
Many of us share our own stories of anxiety and depression, but today we’re talking about mental health issues from the perspective of a caregiver. My friend Carole Leathem has bravely shared her story of caring for her husband, a pastor with debilitating mental health issues, and the joy the Lord has offered in His faithfulness to her. Whether you are the caregiver or you know a friend who is, you’ll be encouraged as you listen today. ...
During "Finding Joy In A Messy Life: Living with & Loving a Depressed Husband" you’ll discover: • The one foundational truth that will never let you down. • 5 keys to staying sane while living with insanity. • The most important mindset for making it through the roughest seasons. • 3 verses to keep in your purse (and on your heart). • The most shockingly sad realities about this type of journey, and how to forgive. • What to do when you cannot figure out what to do. • 4 insider secret...
Nothing Is Wasted: A True Story of Finding Peace in Chaos chronicles a mother’s journey of trials and doubts, faith and triumph, through the rocky terrain of her son’s life with Asperger Syndrome, bipolar disorder, depression, and addiction. The reader has a mom’s eye view of the challenges she and her family face as they navigate through the public school system, private rehab programs, the Texas justice system, and normal life as evangelical Christians with a child who doesn’t seem to “fit the mold” of expectation in any given system, let alone in his...