NOW WHAT? 52 Week Journal for Women Taking a journey with God "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." Joshua 1:8 ...
A mother’s role in her son’s life takes many shapes. She is the guardian of his heart, carrier of his hope, builder of a godly heritage, and teacher of respect and honor. She has only a few short years to equip him with the necessary tools to step into his God-given destiny. With so much at stake, today’s moms need a reliable source of instruction and wisdom for raising their boys to become godly men. Spotlighting the stories of four biblical heroes (Samuel, Daniel, Samson, and Joshua), Candy Gibbs offers practical tips, solid answers, and true encouragement to moms of sons....
In this six-week Bible study on the Book of Joshua, we will join God’s people as they arrive on the edge of the promised land only to find themselves in hostile territory, faced with fear and uncertainty. As we dig into the story of how Joshua and the Israelites claimed God’s promised victory, we’ll discover that winning the worry battle requires more than having faith; it requires learning to fight in faith! Following their bold, courageous footprints, we’ll learn how to fight in faith as we internalize God’s promises, draw strength from God’s faithfulness,...
Many Christians do not have a full understanding of what it means to fight the good fight of faith. They try to live by faith but in the face of everyday trials and failures, they find themselves disillusioned and discouraged, wondering if they have done something wrong or if living by faith only works for others. The problem for most is simply a lack of understanding regarding what faith is and how it works. This book, inspired by the Book of Joshua, reviews three tools a person can develop to Fight In Faith: 1) embracing God’s promises, 2) courage and commitment under pressure and 3)...
Prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime, because you are being positioned to encounter the presence of God in your personal quiet time. In the Old Testament before the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into their Promised Land, the Lord told Joshua to take 12 stones from the middle of the very waters that were separating them from their freedom. The people were to erect a memorial with these large boulders. The Lord explained to Joshua that these stones would cause people to ask what they were, and give opportunity to tell future generations how the God of Israel delivered them from slavery...