?Calling ALL ESTHERS to ARISE! ? You are a much needed LINE OF DEFENSE for the moral conscience of our nation. Mother, no one else can take your place. No one else has the same authority as you to COVER and PRAY for your CHILDREN and this generation. For Such a Time, let us link arms to STOP the unraveling of the FABRIC of the FAMILY! DOWNLOAD your FREE Prayer and Fasting Journal... For Such A Time As This! bit.ly/Esther-Calling-Guide May this guide inspire, equip and embolden you as you Pray, Fast, Stand, Love your children, marriages, and communities...
You Are Chosen for Such a Time as 2021! During this interview with Marnie and guest, Lisa Spivey, you’ll discover: • The key to seeing your future as God sees it. • Why and how to make the commitment to move forward from here. • How to get yourself going using Lisa’s S.T.A.R.T. acronym. o Stay in God’s Word. o Trust God. o Align yourself with His promises. o Remember what God’s brought you through. o Take it one day at a time. Lisa’s is a Bible teacher and speaker whose passion is to see...
Embracing Our Queenly Anointing was birthed out of the author’s recognition that the good, bad and sometimes ugly experiences of the daughter’s of the King, all serve to crown us Queens in the kingdom. The backdrop is the book of Esther, where God used an orphan maiden to rescue a nation from genocide. Though the journey is sometimes laboriously painful, the desire is that God’s Queens will take courage and be resolute in fearlessly facing their giants in the royal court. The hope is that all of God’s daughters will utilize whatever they’ve been allotted...