In this lively interview, Marnie Swedberg asks Maribeth about her 4 ways to renew your mind after loss and how to train your brain to gain an eternal perspective. Maribeth also touches on other topics such as child loss, addiction in the family, how to talk to children about adversity, and how to strengthen your gratitude muscles. She ties it all together with her three hacks for supersizing your hope. ...
I Dare You To Jump - Bold Living TrackGod's plans involve extraordinary events in ordinary people's lives! During this session you’ll discover how to replace lies and limitations with God’s truth about your future. ● How to propel your faith towards extraordinary action ● Techniques utilizing God’s Word to radically change your present state ● Strategies to eradicate the fears that keep holding you back Sharing platforms with world-renowned evangelists like Luis Palau and others, Georgina Verzal shares the life-changing power of Jesus... Featured Christian Speaker, Sue Donaldson, of San Luis Obispo, CA, shares how to extend heartfelt hospitality. We come alongside one another to help take the "misery" out of "commiserate." Sitting at the feet of Jesus makes you qualified to mentor. I’ve come to believe that flexibility- not cleanliness- is next to godliness. We need to keep our "hospitality antennae" is good working order: looking out for the one who may need an invitation to our tables, porches and sofas. We resist inviting people over...