In the Church and in the world today, people feel detached from God and skeptical about His tangible presence and power. Yet God remains alive, active and accessible in our midst. Let's get real with each other about the imperfect but growing faith we have. Let's encourage each other by lifting our voices and proclaiming evidence from our daily lives that this faith is based in reality. Let's rejoice and confirm, "Our God Still Reigns!" LISA JAMIESON explores what happens when Christians freely share their stories of stumbling but exhilarating faith in Jesus....
Posted by Lisa Jamieson on 01/31/2019
Kelly was bored. Growing up in a quiet Amish town in Northeastern Ohio in the 1970s, she was always on the hunt for excitement. Meeting Dace was an unexpected thrill. Home from the U.S. Navy, this handsome young musician shared his drugs, music, experiences beyond her naiveté. She never dreamed his charming façade hid a misogynist, eager to take control of her life. This is Kelly's journey from pregnant teen bride to a brainwashed wife, begging God to kill her abuser. As life became more dangerous she had to flee to protect herself and her two toddlers. Her search for independence...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
Reflect on how our lives follow a similar path as the Israelites as they walked in faith on the long journey. Learn how God was patient and merciful to grumbling and complaining while He taught them to trust. To purchase CLICK HERE ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 01/31/2019
Who is the Holy Spirit and what purpose does He fulfill in a person’s life? One of the passages of Scripture that our Heavenly Father gave me when He called me into ministry was Zechariah 4:6 which states, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” It has become the foundation of how I live my life. This book is a must read for people who desire to know and have the power of the Holy Spirit operating in their lives. It is not filled with fluff or imagination regarding God’s Spirit. The material in this book was first taught in one of our annual...
Posted by Paula Harris on 01/24/2019
My brother, Glen House, MD, was a typical twenty-year-old, college student when he suffered a skiing accident that paralyzed him. But he never pitied himself, he was never angry and he never wavered in his faith. Instead, he pushed forward—with often nothing but sheer determination to sustain and motivate him—and went on to become a doctor, inventor, businessman, husband and father who now daily touches the lives of others facing physical difficulties. This is not a story of his disability; this is a story of Glen’s success-ability. Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
Do you need a good dose of encouragement or inspiration? How about the prospect of hope in your life? One Word is a wonderful book offering hope encouragement and inspiration from some of Yvonne’s most interesting friends. All royalties from One Word will support Day of Joy Ministry. Order your copy now for a donation of $16.95 + $2 shipping and handling. Send to Yvonne Conte 1624 Pine Valley Dr 7-302 Ft Myers FL 33907 or go to to purchase online There are many ways to support this ministry: praying for women who are strugglingtelling...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Make a Big Deal Out of Nothing - Book - How to be a motivational speaker and best selling author. You have everything you need to become a successful, published author and motivational speaker. Make a Big Deal Out of Nothing shows you how. Yvonne Conte, herself the successful author of six self-published books, shares everything she learned along the way in this step-by-step guide. Whether you are at the idea stage or if you are ready to look for a printer, Yvonne covers every aspect of publishing and marketing your book. Learn about ISBN's, copyrights, agents, printers, and more....
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
C ry, Laugh, Cook! -New Book- How often do we talk about our lives growing up? Do we think about how our relationships with our siblings have changed over the years? Do we recognize the humor all around us? What lessons have we learned, what traits do we embrace, and what foods take us back home? This is the fabric of our lives—our history. Re- cording the experiences and ideals that carry us through life is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our family. This book is an example of one way to share the gift of who we are. The book will not be read just once. The threads...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
A collection of stories from thirty women speakers that range from overcoming adversity to graceful aging. My chapter is based on my own story of overcoming lives challenges to glorify God. My chapter found on page thirty-three is entitled Relentless and is a brief snapshot of my story and my talk by the same title. Be relentless! Never give up! No matter what hardships you may face, dig deep within yourself and find the strength and courage to continue. Often relentlessness can be thought of as a negative; however, I think of relentlessness as a positive. It’s the quality of being tenacious,...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 10/19/2018
“Karen Porter’s fresh approach and real-life stories communicate God’s truth in a fun and relevant way. Get this book today and find God’s victory for you.” —Andrea Booth, Author, Women’s Ministry Leader. Andrea and her husband Garrett Booth pastor Grace Church, Houston **** Discover the secrets to overcoming giants from a few obscure verses in the Old Testament. Four giants and four mighty warriors are named. The surprise is in the meanings of their names. The secrets to slaying the giants are found in the meanings of the names of the warrior...
Posted by Karen Porter on 09/27/2018
Discover Pure Purpose—in the midst of your experiences, questions, and relationships—and experience who God is and what he intends for your life. Finding the answers won’t be easy. You’ll need to commit to digging into God’s Word and looking in the mirror at a reflection of the woman God created you to become. You’ll be challenged to apply what you’re learning to everyday life. You can start your Pure Purpose journey on your own or with a small group. You’ll begin each week with a Starter Session, followed by five Make It Personal sessions. Three...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Renew your trust in God, identify the spiritual entanglers in your life, and rediscover who you are in Christ. In this six-week devotional, Carole Brewer shares her love for God and knowledge of His word with humor, heart-warming personal experiences, and thought-provoking questions to ponder. “Revitalizing our lives is needed today! The text in this interactive devotional is Godly and refreshing.” —Thelma Wells, D.D., Author of 41 books, Mentor, Women of Faith Core Speaker for 22 years “Carole Brewer’s expertly written devotional is a refuge for the...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 09/17/2018