Perspectives is a guided journal to help you become a better human. In times like these, we should all work on unifying and relating to each other. This book awakens you to another level of awareness, realizing that human beings are more profound and more complex than the labels prescribed to us. This book will help you embrace what we call "bridge moments" to courageously speak up while connecting with people different from you and building a better relationship with them. Â Being understood is a basic human need. We all have a right to express our voice. Conscious efforts are needed...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Perspectives is a guided journal to help you become a better human. In times like these, we should all work on unifying and relating to each other. This book awakens you to another level of awareness, realizing that human beings are more profound and more complex than the labels prescribed to us. This book will help you embrace what we call "bridge moments" to courageously speak up while connecting with people different from you and building a better relationship with them. ...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
In Fierce and Free, Kelly Master calls to our core... It's the call to step out of your tethers and discover the "wild." It's our Spirit DNA! We are created to launch, pioneer, soar, and ride the storm. Kelly not only calls, but also shows the way to discover, believe, and embrace the TRUE of you. As you read and see yourself in the pages of this book, you will also see your path to the "more" that is your glorious, untamed future... the path to live Fierce and Free. Dr. Michelle Burkett Director of Patricia King's Women...
Posted by Kelly Master on 02/27/2023
Thirty years of failed diets, quick fixes, and disappointment was changed by RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery and a significant change in perspective. Here’s a collection of stories about how one woman went from super morbidly obese to marathon finisher one blessing at a time. ...
Posted by Regina Bartlett on 02/27/2023
Explore the intersection between culture, identity, and faith in this new release from an earthly immigrant who gained a spiritual perspective. What is my purpose? Why do I exist? A sense of self and belonging are two questions many of us struggle to answer. And what if you are a foreigner in another land? How does one adjust to a new culture? Discover their place in a new society? For Mabel Ninan, born and raised in India and an immigrant in America shortly after marriage, the search for those answers sent her on a journey that led to an unexpected and exciting discovery. God revealed she...
Posted by Mabel Ninan on 01/19/2023
Danielle is a trauma survivor who knows what it’s like to feel powerless. She fought to reclaim her value, dignity, and power back through faith, love, and taking ownership. Danielle and her guests will empower you to become victorious in life and embrace your God-given greatness. This podcast provides 2 types of content: short episodes of actionable encouragement and interviews of Victorious Souls who fought to go from survive to thriving in life. The podcast ended after 3 seasons with the finale 12/31/23 but all episodes are still available. This podcast is not intended for medical...
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 01/10/2023
Sue Bowles joins the podcast to share her story of hurts that left her feeling beyond help. Sue describes a “nagging optimism” that kept her going, even when she wanted to give up and end her own life. Sue is the author of "This Much I Know...The Space Between," a book where she shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" Grace Story has booked Sue to be a Story Teller at the November 2025 Conference in Cincinnati, OH. ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 12/19/2022
Does the word discipleship sound a bit intimidating? What if making disciples could be relational, renewing, refreshing—and every bit as enjoyable as inviting a friend to coffee? Making disciples relationally was how the early church “did life.” Yet somehow over the years, we’ve outsourced discipleship to a class to attend or a set of rules to follow—rather than a lifestyle to embrace. A healthy blend of knowing Jesus andmaking Him known is what gives the Christian life its savory sweetness, and nothing else will satisfy our deep thirst for connection and significance....
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
EMBRACE YOUR VALUE Silence the voices that say you're not good enough. Only one voice matters. Knowing you're loved and valued changes everything. This FREE audio book LOVE'S MANIFESTO is a declaration of true love for you to embrace your true self. Feed your soul the truth. Embrace your value & feel loved in 9 minutes. It's always FREE! Get it NOW....
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 06/27/2022
Worn out. Disappointed. Done. Are you tired? Have you been wounded or nearly defeated by life? With refreshing condor and raw emotion, Amy gives the gift of hope and renewal to women who are in the midst of disappointments and pain. She describes her own struggle in choosing the road of sweetness when fears, lies and insecurity threatened to bang down the door of her hurting heart. with every set back, Amy felt like she was growing old...but not growing up. Ugliness was winning over true beauty-until she finally embraced the hard stuff of life with Jesus, the one One who could empower...
Posted by Amy Stout on 06/02/2022
Hair Goddess is an anthology of stories about hair -- how we wear it, and how it wears us. The contributors -- 14 women and one man -- explore the issues of hair, both natural and processed, curly and straight, as it relates to race, culture and the societal standards of today. "Hair Goddess" is filled with a variety of viewpoints: diverse, humorous and poignant. ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
Beyond the Hidden Veil of Shame You will find God's message of forgiveness, grace and redemption within the pages of this book. It's a workbook to help you find you own settled and peaceful heart. Workbook ...
Posted by Kay Hall on 02/28/2022