Inevitably, we face change every day of our lives, which can impact our lives differently. How we make sense of it will affect how we process it and respond innovatively and creatively. Through their adversity, twenty-one POWERFUL Queens gained a greater understanding of dealing with personal challenges, learned to overcome the mounting stress, and were empowered with the tools to survive and thrive. These amazing women put POWER to the PEN and courageously shared their powerful stories and practical wisdom on how they defied the odds by discovering that adversity entrusted them with the secret...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 09/27/2021
Is it okay for Christians to doubt? When we don't get answers or see God's guiding hand, it's hard to keep praying or walking forward in faith. Difficult times often cloud our perspective. Many Christians confuse doubt with unbelief and are afraid to admit those fears, but God is not threatened by our questions, and doubt does not negate our faith. Our doubts express a yearning to be sure of what-and who-we trust. When our questions are answered by trust, faith is fed and our doubts transform into deeper belief that pushes us toward a decision. 1. When we address doubt head-on our...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 09/07/2021
You've Got this! Learning to Let Go Paperback  Are you bound by worry and fear? Are you unable to let go and trust God with the hardest things? You’ve Got This: Learning to Let Go will teach you ways to finally Trust Him to know what is best for you. Freedom comes from completely letting go and letting God take control of your life. Human nature is that we maintain that control, but God cannot bestow blessings upon you until you Let Go and Let God! ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 08/06/2021
You Are Chosen for Such a Time as 2021! During this interview with Marnie and guest, Lisa Spivey, you’ll discover: • The key to seeing your future as God sees it. • Why and how to make the commitment to move forward from here. • How to get yourself going using Lisa’s S.T.A.R.T. acronym. o Stay in God’s Word. o Trust God. o Align yourself with His promises. o Remember what God’s brought you through. o Take it one day at a time. Lisa’s is a Bible teacher and speaker whose passion is to see...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 06/15/2021
The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with you always because it's His promise to you and He is a good Father. These eight (8) ways will help you to live a fearless life. You can be fearless and brave when you put your hope and trust in God! Fear and anxiety can last for a short time and then pass, but they can also last much longer and you can get stuck with them. In some cases they can take over your life, affecting your ability to eat,...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 06/01/2021
Depending on God amid the noise, confusion, and troubles around you lands on a solid ground in Him and there is nothing in this world that can defeat you or take away your peace. To affirm God’s goodness amidst difficult times is as much an act of worship as it is a sign of integrity. Those who have trusted in Christ Jesus for salvation were never meant to live defeated, despairing, boxed-in, unhappy lives. In Romans 5:17, Paul writes that the “abundance of grace” we have received and receive every day, along with the gift of righteousness, enables us to “reign...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Many people have accepted below average lifestyle and settled. They don’t know they can be healed or simply don’t know what to do or how to begin. In this book Quite Talks With God book and the workbook, Fearless and Brave, Soul Searching Journal, I have shared what I learned on my journey about overcoming fear and embracing the best life God has for my life. And even though your journey won’t be exactly like mine, I hope my story can inspire you and be a guiding light as you step out onto your path of progress toward wholeness. Ruth’s...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Serving God with your whole heart when you have your prayers unanswered, or a secret frustration that you are waiting on God to intervene can sometimes challenge your faith. But when you serve God no matter your situation is, trust God for who He is...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/18/2021
Paula Abbott speaks on the difference between a Journey and a Quest. Paula explains that when you go on a Journey with Christ you are going from one point to the next, but when you choose to go on a Quest with Christ you will be taken deeper into your walk with Him. You'll take detour with Christ that will forever change your heart and your walk. Join as Paula shares her life on The Quest. ...
Kristin is a contributing author to the new She Writes for Him: Stories of Resilient Faith. It’s not often we speak about abortion, shame, betrayal, depression, anxiety, and loss in our circles of faith. It can be uncomfortable as we try to reconcile why a good God allows suffering and pain. Life is messy, and yet we need not silence these stories. She Writes For Him: Stories of Resilient Faith is written by brave women who have boldly ventured out to tell their hard stories. These resilient women have found that God can be trusted in the midst of difficult and tragic circumstances. They...
Posted by Kristin Clouse on 05/07/2020
We all know someone younger and older! Maybe God is prompting you to mentor, but you don’t know where to begin. Here are 10 practical and curated worksheets to help you from the very first day of your new mentoring relationship! Topics include: “Getting Started: Mentor Questionnaire” “Personal Growth Plan” “Quiet Time: Four Roadblocks to spending time alone with God” and seven more. Buy all ten for 3.99 and begin your next mentoring relationship today! An exciting adventure awaits as you trust God to bring you alongside another. We are blessed...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
Life is always throwing challenges at us. It's too big a force, no one is immune, and trusting God is what works. Mother Theresa said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." Whether you are rich or poor, busy or bored, learn how to tap into God's presence for happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and success. Order your copy today! The expression "Where He leads me," is not something to which I just pay lip service. It is, in fact, exactly how I live my life, on a daily basis. So far,...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 08/20/2019