This book is a peek into my journey through fostering and adopting children. It's also the story of how I became so passionate about "the lost children" in our society, both in the USA and abroad. While fostering children was not a choice for me, I never thought I could emotionally handle it, it became an eye-opener to the number of abused and neglected children that live just around the corner. From the first two children that came for the weekend, to the ones that came after we were officially foster parents, I never regretted a minute. ...
Posted by Kate Penwarn Thompson on 08/23/2023
None of us start off life saying, “I want to be a failure,” or “I want to grow up and get divorced someday,” or “Someday I hope I’ll become a drug addict, or a widow, or sleep around with lots of people, or fail at business, or go bankrupt.” Our childlike faith convinces us we’ll do better, that we’ll defy the odds somehow. But life has a way of showing up and kicking the tar out of that simple, childlike faith, doesn’t it? Whether it’s from our own choices and decisions, or from the choices and decisions of others, ultimately...
Posted by Barb Lownsbury on 08/11/2023
In this ten-minute video, Maribeth shares her faith journey through the separate losses of two of her children, one at the age of 14, and the other at the age of 21. She also speaks of her alcoholism and how Christ freed her. ...
Posted by Maribeth Ditmars on 08/11/2023
A note from your mom in your lunchbox because she knew you’d be having an especially hard day at school. A text from a fellow baseball mom just to say you were on her mind. A lipstick heart that your daughter drew on your bathroom mirror. An unexpected card from a childhood friend. There is something especially powerful and permanent about the written word of encouragement. And it doesn’t take much—just a small reminder that someone is thinking of you, that you’re not alone, that someone sees you, that we are in this together. Sister in Christ, I Need You is a collection...
Posted by Shana Grooms on 07/14/2023
paperback How can God's Spirit be everywhere? Has your children ever asked you this question? Blowing in the Wind is another one of Timmy and Gerald Ray's great adventures. Enjoy spring break with the boys as they go on their daily trips to the Park where they love to fly their kites and visit their favorite fishing hole. Gerald Ray begins to wonder about God and what he heard from their Sunday school teacher saying that God is Spirit, and His Spirit is everywhere. He wonders how God can be everywhere at the same time. Parents if your children have ever asked this question...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
paperback Summer on Grandma’s Farm is another enlightening adventure for Tim and Gerald Ray! It is summer break and the boys are going to their grandma's farm for a couple of weeks. During their adventure of taking care of the cows, chickens and gardens they get chased by a rooster, they discover the answer to another question about God. "How can three be in one? God the Father, God the Son “Jesus Christ” and God the Holy Spirit are one yet three separate. How can that be?" Go to grandma's farm along with the boys and discover the answer! ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
Paperback Young Molly comes from a single parent home barely getting by. What they lack in material possessions, is made up by love. At school, three girls bully Molly. She struggles to understand, hurt by their actions. While she sleeps, the Lord takes Molly on a train ride in her dreams helping her see that everyone has a story. He shows her the reason behind their bullying and the meaning of forgiveness.  With God's help, forgiveness can flourish and friendships can be birthed. Hop aboard and take the train ride of forgiveness with Molly! ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
This 30 Day Devotional is a companion to the book You Can TRUST Him by Joan E. Murray. Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational,...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 06/20/2023
Janet Perez Eckles should be sinking in the mud of misery. Instead, she dances on a stage of victory. At twelve years old, Janet and her family left Bolivia for St. Louis, Missouri, their suitcases filled with dreams of a happy life in the United States. But cruel reality awaited. Complete blindness by age thirty, a tragically broken marriage, the murder of her youngest son, the acquittal of his killer were each enough to drown any woman in a tempest of heartache and despair. But God did not leave His child lost and adrift. Instead, the lowest points of her devastation became God’s divine...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/01/2023
Whispers of Grace Weekly Videos are videos that I am putting out weekly to encourage God's precious people with a fresh, new word based on what I believe He is impressing upon my heart in my prayer time to share with them. Just as with my Whispers of Grace Devotional, the premise for these videos are as follows: I believe that there are people hurting or that just need to hear a tender word from our Father. I also believe that God LOVES His children. And lastly, I believe with all my heart that He really WANTS TO SPEAK words of comfort, encouragement, and faith to them to encourage...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 03/29/2023
WHISPERS OF GRACE is a fresh, new year long, daily devotional for those who need to hear a word from their Father God. Over the course of many years, Wendy Hunt would come before the Lord in her quiet time and ask one question: "Lord, what do you want to say to your precious people?" Then she would listen and record the impressions He placed on her heart. This is a compilation of those impressions. Each daily entry is written as if God is speaking directly and lovingly to the heart of the reader as His beloved child...personal, tender, and comforting. These excerpts are based...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 03/29/2023
Mom’s Secret Strength is a comprehensive guide to help mothers pray for their children before and after birth. God’s love and your love can shepherd them through every stage in their life, from infancy to adulthood. I have three children of my own, two young adults and one teenager. God has been central to our home and has helped my husband and me in bringing them up, even when life has taken me to a different country to seek a better life for my family. I want to share what has helped me as a mother to maintain my home and introduce our children to God. Together we will...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 02/28/2023