Get Your Spirit On! is for girls and young women who are already cheerleaders, aspire to be cheerleaders, or simply wish to cheer for God. This upbeat devotional offers one entry per week for 40 weeks (which should cover a typical cheer season) and features a prayer (Megaphone to Master); a scripture (Strength Training); a thought-provoking question (Fire Up!); a journaling section (Ready. Ok.), a say it out loud declaration (Give a Shout!) and an action step (Jump Into Acton!), as well as Fit Tips, Fast Stats about cheerleading, and words to actual chants and cheers. Whether done on your...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
Fabulous & Focused addresses the issues that business women encounter every day, including communications, relationships, opportunities, integrity, professionalism, and achievement. This devotional is a helpful companion and an inspiring start to every day. Written with humor and insight, the authors share hard learned lessons and provide guidance for the many challenges and opportunities that women face in their career. (Co-authored with Gena Maselli.) ...
Posted by Michelle Medlock Adams on 02/26/2019
Reflect on how our lives follow a similar path as the Israelites as they walked in faith on the long journey. Learn how God was patient and merciful to grumbling and complaining while He taught them to trust. To purchase CLICK HERE ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 01/31/2019
Make a Big Deal Out of Nothing - Book - How to be a motivational speaker and best selling author. You have everything you need to become a successful, published author and motivational speaker. Make a Big Deal Out of Nothing shows you how. Yvonne Conte, herself the successful author of six self-published books, shares everything she learned along the way in this step-by-step guide. Whether you are at the idea stage or if you are ready to look for a printer, Yvonne covers every aspect of publishing and marketing your book. Learn about ISBN's, copyrights, agents, printers, and more....
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Discover Pure Purpose—in the midst of your experiences, questions, and relationships—and experience who God is and what he intends for your life. Finding the answers won’t be easy. You’ll need to commit to digging into God’s Word and looking in the mirror at a reflection of the woman God created you to become. You’ll be challenged to apply what you’re learning to everyday life. You can start your Pure Purpose journey on your own or with a small group. You’ll begin each week with a Starter Session, followed by five Make It Personal sessions. Three...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
A customizable 30-day prayer calendar for your next event! Last year my husband and I joined a team of other marriage ministry leaders to create our church's first ever retreat for marriage mentors. We called it Fill Up, Pour Out. One of the elements of our planning was incorporating prayer. We created a 30-day prayer calendar, modeled after one we found online. For the 30 days before our event, we had a team of people praying the same prayers daily. Some of us added fasting days once a week. God honored our dedication to making this His work. He showed up big time! The event...
Posted by Deb Potts on 01/16/2018
Love Needs No Words Rachel and Mitchell both grow up in the small town of Providence, Tennessee. Their paths keep crossing and at one point it looks like they'll finally get together. But the opportunity slips away and they go their separate ways. It takes a tragedy many years later before they're reunited. This time will they let the moment pass or will they take a step of faith and trust God to work a miracle in their lives? This beautiful redemptive romance is portrayed with no dialogue, using dramatic action, breathtaking cinematography,and an incredible soundtrack of indie...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 01/03/2018
Lore and Michael started their family with great hope for the future, but when their son’s life begins to spiral downward, they come face to face with what it truly means to trust in God. This film unflinchingly explores the topics of Parenting, Suffering and Loss, and God’s Sovereignty. ...
How Did He Get In There is another fun adventure of Timmy and Gerald Ray. Go on a journey with the boys as they go on a summer vacation! The boys go camping with their parents and in arriving, their curious nature gets the best of them and they can’t wait to go wandering around in the woods. They come up to the back end of a cave and through a hole, they see a bear! Wondering how the bear got in through that small hole makes Gerald Ray start wondering how Jesus gets into your heart. Parents, here is another fun adventure for your children and a way for you to answer that same question...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
Revitalize with a new beginning and a fresh start! I would love to help to Revitalize the women in your church family through my retreat and keynotes! Make an inquiry @ ...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 10/11/2017
The title of this study starts off with the word “cultivate” as does each of the chapter titles. “Cultivate” is a word used a lot in farming or agriculture and it means to prepare the land or the ground for use. It means to loosen or break up the soil. It further means to improve by labor, care or study. The heart is that ground that initially needs to be prepared by God to receive the seed of His Word.
Posted by Vera LeRay Warner on 04/25/2017
Little fights with your husband and kids. Unhappiness when things don’t match your version of perfect. Tension, anger, fear, anxiety–it all begins with a heart that craves control. When your perspective of how life should go replaces God’s, you doom your quest for security, peace, and joy before it even starts. Thankfully, there is a better way. Join Shannon as she shares what she has discovered about her own control struggles and about God from studying seven Control Girls in the Bible. Whether it was Eve’s desire to know instead of trust, Sarah’s inability...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017