A customizable 30-day prayer calendar for your next event! Last year my husband and I joined a team of other marriage ministry leaders to create our church's first ever retreat for marriage mentors. We called it Fill Up, Pour Out. One of the elements of our planning was incorporating prayer. We created a 30-day prayer calendar, modeled after one we found online. For the 30 days before our event, we had a team of people praying the same prayers daily. Some of us added fasting days once a week. God honored our dedication to making this His work. He showed up big time! The event...
A free, downloadable PDF guide to leading and growing your women's ministry group. I've been a women's ministry leader and I know where you are! This tool is meant to encourage you and make your life flow just a little bit better. Based on the various needs and desires of different personalities, how should women's ministry look? What is our vision? How do we build a team of leaders and help them to grow spiritually? What techniques can we use to include those guests sitting on the sidelines to become involved? And what's the best way to reach out and invite...
You can use a story or illustration to push deeper than just a surface meaning. It can captivate your audience while communicating a spiritual truth. In her workshop, "Plots, Props & Performances," Lori can teach members of your team how to use the power of drama to take their personal story or message to the next level. Using drama can help engage your audience in a way that they might not normally participate. Instead of tuning out at another “testimony story,” they can become engrossed into the saga of the heroine’s life. Workshop fee is negotiable,...
“Yet I am so thankful to God, who always marches us to victory under the banner of the Anointed One; and through us He spreads the beautiful fragrance of His knowledge to every corner of the earth.” -II Corinthians 2:14 Our ability to communicate via the World Wide Web has now made it possible to reach every corner of the earth, just as this Scripture reads. With that in mind, I use this verse to ask myself a very important question – is my next Facebook status update going to spread Christ’s beautiful fragrance? If you are leading a ministry group, it is important to...