“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did!” This 10-week Bible study joins a thirsty-hearted Samaritan woman in inviting you to meet a man who looks into a woman’s heart and knows exactly what she needs. Who values women regardless of their marital status, professional skills, sexual history, or financial position. Who notices both the heroic faith of women in desperate circumstances and the quiet suffering of sisters racked by grief and chronic illness. Who invites women to work alongside Him and use their intellectual capacity to know him more fully. Who inspires women to give...
The apostle Peter is mentioned more times in the four gospels than anyone other than Jesus Christ Himself. Peter was praised more than any other disciple. He was also rebuked more than any other disciple. In this study, you will see Peter fail and you will see him succeed. You will get a laugh or two at his expense, and you just may shed a tear or two with him as well. His imperfections make him lovable, and his victories give us hope. Peter had a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. That relationship brought Peter to the point of abandoning not only his nets for Christ, but...