Divine Conversations: Experience a Powerful Relationship with God. During this interview with Marnie and guest, Kathy Schwanke, you’ll discover: • How to set the stage for an intimate relationship with God. • The fastest way to go deeper (listen). • The power of journaling and some tips. • Why and how to use your Bible during prayer times. • A strategy for releasing power. Speaker, author, Bible study leader, and mentor, Kathy Schwanke is also a wife, mother of two, and granny to eight. She loves to share stories from scripture...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 06/14/2021
Divine Conversations: Experience a Powerful Relationship with God. During this interview with Marnie and guest, Kathy Schwanke, you’ll discover: How to set the stage for an intimate relationship with God.The fastest way to go deeper.The power of journaling and some tips.Why and how to use your Bible during prayer times.A strategy for releasing power. Speaker, author, Bible study leader, and mentor, Kathy Schwanke is also a wife, mother of two, and granny to eight. She loves to share stories from scripture and answered prayer. Learn more at www.kathyschwanke.com. Invite her to speak via...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 04/07/2021
Divine Conversations is a study on the transformational power of prayer. Each week she shares a story from her own life, explores a story from scripture, and offers a small amount of “digging deeper” work. With discussion questions in the back of the book, this has served many small group Bible studies a fresh fire in their prayer life. ...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 02/22/2021
"In a time when far too many of us wrestle daily with painful scars from emotional, psychological, and physical hurts of the past, Deb and Janice have written an incredibly important and powerful book that can serve as a key to unlocking the door to peace, hope and true healing for many. Written in a format that is a welcome respite from the typical "quick-fix" books of the day, these two wonderful women grant us the privilege of "listening in" on their deeply personal conversations as they journey into their painful pasts, into the very depths of their hearts, and eventually...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 09/19/2019
Executive Etiquette Power is the essential resource to building professional confidence, making a great impression and solidifying your success with every business encounter. Discover what you need to know to advance your career from North America’s top executive etiquette experts. As top experts in each of our respective specialties, we’ve joined together to give you the most powerful executive etiquette information and strategies available. IN EXECUTIVE ETIQUETTE POWER, YOU WILL LEARN: How to use to the power of social capital to advance your career.Seven habits of highly effective...
Posted by Dallas Teague Snider on 08/25/2019
C ry, Laugh, Cook! -New Book- How often do we talk about our lives growing up? Do we think about how our relationships with our siblings have changed over the years? Do we recognize the humor all around us? What lessons have we learned, what traits do we embrace, and what foods take us back home? This is the fabric of our lives—our history. Re- cording the experiences and ideals that carry us through life is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our family. This book is an example of one way to share the gift of who we are. The book will not be read just once. The threads...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Steve & Rhonda Stoppe authors of the new book THE MARRIAGE MENTOR have created a video series that you and your spouse can watch for FREE. Each video goes along the chapters in their book. We get it. You (or your spouse) are not a reader! That's why we made these FREE easy to watch videos to help engage couples in conversations that will help mentor them toward becoming the couple they long to be. Great for couples, and for small group discussions. WATCH FREE MARRIAGE VIDEOS HERE ...
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018