Thank you for your interest in my speaking ministry. If you would like to see some video clips of me or hear some audio clips from some of my talks, please visit my CurlyGirl4God YouTube Channel. God bless you for what you are doing for His kingdom! ...
MY PRAYER CHAIR, WINNER OF THREE BOOK AWARDS, IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THREE VERSIONS––ENGLISH, SPANISH, AND AUDIOBOOK. LISTEN TO CHAPTER 19, “JUST BREATHE.” ALSO, A FREE DOWNLOADABLE LEADER’S GUIDE IS AVAILABLE IN EITHER SPANISH OR ENGLISH. How often do you communicate with Jesus? Every day or just in times of need? Do you view prayer as a privilege or a last resort? My Prayer Chair encourages the reader to engage in an ongoing conversation with God - seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Expect splashes of humor and heartfelt stories mixed with encouragement, scripture and prayer...