Ever wonder why you feel like God is not listening to you? Are you the only person not hearing from God when you pray? Think you are doing something wrong? In this series, Discovering God! Joan E. Murray takes the stories in the Bible, breaks them down and helps you discover how to connect with God. The series is a collection of her short, to the point books. They are packed with life lessons and strategies. Volume 2 contains the books: Overcoming Loneliness and AlonenessHope in Difficult SeasonsWorship - Our Deepest Need To discover more please go to the...
Posted by Joan E. Murray on 09/06/2022
Is Spiritual Growth only for women who are Super-Saints? Do you blow it sometimes? Compare yourself to others who seem spiritually all together? Wonder if a not-so-perfect woman can still be loved and used by God? If you do, let best-selling author and not-so-perfect woman, Poppy Smith, encourage you to hang in there! Among the heart cries Poppy addresses are: How can I be more like You, Lord? Does it matter what I think? You mean, I have to change my attitude? How can I stand in life's storms? Can my stumbling blocks become stepping stones? Refusing the wear masks or keep secrets, Poppy...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
Inevitably, we face change every day of our lives, which can impact our lives differently. How we make sense of it will affect how we process it and respond innovatively and creatively. Through their adversity, twenty-one POWERFUL Queens gained a greater understanding of dealing with personal challenges, learned to overcome the mounting stress, and were empowered with the tools to survive and thrive. These amazing women put POWER to the PEN and courageously shared their powerful stories and practical wisdom on how they defied the odds by discovering that adversity entrusted them with the secret...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 09/27/2021
All of us are products of our upbringing and experiences, and whether we realize it or not, have come to believe things that are not actually true. Those false beliefs hold us back. They are like recordings that constantly play in our minds. They condemn us. They accuse us. They shame us. They blame us. Is it possible to silence these thoughts in our heads that have tied us up in knots for so long? Can we ever find peace? Yes! The Bible promises we can be transformed by renewing our minds. In Unraveling the LIe-Knot, Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner offers encouragement and hope for those who...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 09/07/2021
Hidden with Christ is Lisa's story of overcoming child sexual abuse. It takes a different look than most books on abuse, highlighting the heroes who God provided at different times in her life to keep Lisa from being swallowed up by the darkness around her. Hidden with Christ is filled with hope for anyone who has suffered trauma and wants to find freedom. Filled with Scripture, this book is sure to encourage those who feel broken and point them to the abundant life Jesus promises. ...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 08/05/2021
The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with you always because it's His promise to you and He is a good Father. These eight (8) ways will help you to live a fearless life. You can be fearless and brave when you put your hope and trust in God! Fear and anxiety can last for a short time and then pass, but they can also last much longer and you can get stuck with them. In some cases they can take over your life, affecting your ability to eat,...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 06/01/2021
Many people have accepted below average lifestyle and settled. They don’t know they can be healed or simply don’t know what to do or how to begin. In this book Quite Talks With God book and the workbook, Fearless and Brave, Soul Searching Journal, I have shared what I learned on my journey about overcoming fear and embracing the best life God has for my life. And even though your journey won’t be exactly like mine, I hope my story can inspire you and be a guiding light as you step out onto your path of progress toward wholeness. Ruth’s...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Kristin is a contributing author to the new She Writes for Him: Stories of Resilient Faith. It’s not often we speak about abortion, shame, betrayal, depression, anxiety, and loss in our circles of faith. It can be uncomfortable as we try to reconcile why a good God allows suffering and pain. Life is messy, and yet we need not silence these stories. She Writes For Him: Stories of Resilient Faith is written by brave women who have boldly ventured out to tell their hard stories. These resilient women have found that God can be trusted in the midst of difficult and tragic circumstances. They...
Posted by Kristin Clouse on 05/07/2020
America's Premier Christian Speakers Share their Breakthrough Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles & Reaching Your Full Potential! Joani Tabor is known for celebrating life through music as she spreads her message of hope and encouragement. She shares how she has managed to hold on to hope in the face of tragedy. ...
More than Conquerors! Romans 8:37 tells us that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. What does it mean to be more than conquerors? Our speakers share with you their travels through difficult years of change and loss and although they stumble and fall they set their eyes on Jesus and find the way back because we are more than just conquerors. In these four sessions explore how faith and trust can bring us up from any depth. We are strong courageous women of God. Regardless of your situation or the way things look, you are still on the winning side. Session 1: Surviving...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
A collection of stories from thirty women speakers that range from overcoming adversity to graceful aging. My chapter is based on my own story of overcoming lives challenges to glorify God. My chapter found on page thirty-three is entitled Relentless and is a brief snapshot of my story and my talk by the same title. Be relentless! Never give up! No matter what hardships you may face, dig deep within yourself and find the strength and courage to continue. Often relentlessness can be thought of as a negative; however, I think of relentlessness as a positive. It’s the quality of being tenacious,...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 10/19/2018
“Karen Porter’s fresh approach and real-life stories communicate God’s truth in a fun and relevant way. Get this book today and find God’s victory for you.” —Andrea Booth, Author, Women’s Ministry Leader. Andrea and her husband Garrett Booth pastor Grace Church, Houston **** Discover the secrets to overcoming giants from a few obscure verses in the Old Testament. Four giants and four mighty warriors are named. The surprise is in the meanings of their names. The secrets to slaying the giants are found in the meanings of the names of the warrior...
Posted by Karen Porter on 09/27/2018