Have you ever wondered why you're on the earth, what's your purpose, and how you can make a lasting impact for Christ? Do you want to live out your faith, but are not sure how to do so in your daily life? Have you ever thought that with your past and imperfections that God can't use you? You're not alone. We are all imperfect, and that's no surprise to God, who uses imperfect people in His perfect plan. God created each of us with a purpose to use our God-given stories, strengths and weaknesses to connect with others. God revealed why I am here on this earth. It's not to be perfect: it's to imperfectly live for Him, encouraging hearts and building bridges. Actually, building bridges is our corporate purpose as Christians... If we keep calm, despite feeling crazy or uncomfortable, God will use us to build bridges to hurting hearts. How will both Christians and non-Christians ever come to know about God's love, Jesus's sacrifice and the Holy Spirit's power, unless they encounter authentic, compassionate and imperfect living examples? How will people know Jesus loves them, despite their imperfections, unless the body of Christ tells and, more importantly, shows them? Building Bridges, the latest book from author Stephanie Fink, candidly provides practical principles and strategies to help Christians tear down walls and build bridges out to love and share the Gospel with all, especially those outside of the church walls. Steph encourages readers with seven powerful concepts centered around building strong bridges to others, such as forgiving each other for past mistakes, opening ourselves to being used by God and being the comforting support for those who desperately need to know God is alive, cares, and created him or her on purpose for a purpose.