Submitted by Real Life Ministries on Monday, Mar 25, 2024
I have worked with and delivered seminars with Morna Gilbert on several occasions and have found her to be professional, highly qualified to speak publicly and a delight to work with. She is a Godly, Christian woman who wears her faith boldly. The fruit of her labor can be seen in many cities around the Northwest. I believe God is using her mightily for the Kingdom. I am proud to be associated with her and highly recommend her.
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Submitted by Lisa Fairburn on Tuesday, May 16, 2023
"I have had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know Morna over the last several months. Morna is a powerfully anointed woman of God. Morna has an ability to hear and obey God as she transparently shares with women from her own life and the Word of God. Morna has much to share with women of all ages and circumstances, whether young or matured, single, divorced or married. Recently, when she spoke at a workshop titled, ""Pure Woman"" at our church the feedback was phenomenal. We would have Morna back to speak and teach in an instant. But, true to her nature what Morna did was stirred the spirit and hearts of the women in and out of our congregation to seek more from relationship with Christ, the Word, fellowship with other women, accountability and mentoring. What a powerful combination to teach and empower others!! I have held several leadership and teaching positions in the church and community.........
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Submitted by Mosaic Spokane on Friday, Oct 30, 2015
"I have known Morna for at least eight years or more here as Senior Pastor of Fourth Memorial Church. We have hundreds of very committed, dedicated and Godly volunteers here at Fourth Church. Morna consistently rises to the top of that amazing group of people. As long as I can remember, Morna has been consistently and deeply involved in ministry to women both here at the church and in our community. She is a sought-after conference speaker, Bible teacher, mentor and friend. Morna's ministry is backed up by her character. She is a woman of honor and grace. Having experienced a number of very deep, troubling issues in life, she knows what it is like to be broken and to experience the remaking, reshaping and renewing work of God in her life, her marriage and her family. She has come through the fire and has come out gold!!.......
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